Hi Christoffer,

sorry to be so late reporting this to you.
We had a contact sometime ago concerning a crash condition
for pgAdmin III.
Since our first contact I had another similar bug opened 
(#288171) which I decided to keep assigned to pgadmin3
so that noone else loose time figuring out what's going on.

I was about to close this bug today after I saw you uploaded
a new upstream version and just to be sure, I tested pgAdmin
against your new package.
It seems the main problem is not solved:
installed gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
launched pgadmin3 => ok.
configured gtk2-engines-gtk-qt to "use another style -> qt"
launched pgadmin3 => segfault
configured gtk2-engines-gtk-qt back to "use my kde style"
launched pgadmin3 => segfault

Can you recheck this (maybe this is a local issue due to 
some misconfig on my side...) ?
I'm about to leave for a little more than one week and
will be unreachable during this period of time.


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