Tags: patch

This is a bit of a mashup from the existing install section plus some
stuff from the dh_link manpage, but I hope it's good enough.

Patch generated against current svn.
Index: maint-guide.en.dbk
--- maint-guide.en.dbk	(Revision 9193)
+++ maint-guide.en.dbk	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -3491,6 +3491,21 @@
 <filename><replaceable>package</replaceable>.info</filename> file.
+<section id="links"><title><filename>links</filename></title>
+If you want to have symbolic links created by <citerefentry><refentrytitle>dh_link</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>, use this file to list pairs of source and destination files to be symlinked. The source files are the already existing files that will be symlinked from. The destination files are the symlinks that will be created. There <emphasis role="strong">must</emphasis> be an equal number of source and destination files specified. Each pair should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by whitespace. Be sure you <emphasis role="strong">do</emphasis> specify the full filename to both the source and destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something like <citerefentry><refentrytitle>ln</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>).
+For example, to create a link <filename>/usr/bin/<replaceable>bar</replaceable></filename> that points to <filename>/usr/lib/<replaceable>foo</replaceable>/<replaceable>bar</replaceable></filename>, use the following line in <filename>links</filename>:
+usr/lib/<replaceable>foo</replaceable>/<replaceable>bar</replaceable> usr/bin/<replaceable>bar</replaceable>
+As with <filename>install</filename>, multiple <filename>links</filename> files can be used for individual packages, using <filename><replaceable>package-1</replaceable>.links</filename>,
+<filename><replaceable>package-2</replaceable>.links</filename>, etc.
 <section id="lintian"><title><filename>{<replaceable>package</replaceable>.,source/}lintian-overrides</filename></title>
 If <systemitem role="package">lintian</systemitem> reports an erroneous

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