So here's another review.

In order to do this, I have purged the previous package, removed the
databases from the pgsql server (including the ledgersmb DB) and
installed the new package compiled with svn-buildpackage.

Confusion: two passwords?

I get prompted for a password twice... The first time, I *think* it is
for the ledgersmb DB user, but then I get asked again, for "Password for
the Database Administrative user:".

How are those two different? Should they be the same?

I *feel* the first password is the ledgersmb password, but who knows? It
seems to be working in the script, what is the second one for then?

The darn contrib directory

I still had to configure the contrib_dir. Now I know I had to, but even
then: I forgot, so I hit this cryptic message in the web interface:

Cannot find Contrib script tablefunc.sql in /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/.
Please point your contrib_dir directive in your ledgersmb.conf to the
appropriate location

I think it would be useful to have some text displayed in postinst or
maybe debconf that would explain how to finish the configuration. I
somehow expect Debian packages to be fully functional when they are
installed, or at least tell me how to make them work.

The lsmb13 database

I still can't use ledgersmb, even with all the above fixed. From the
user point of view, I just repeatedly get prompted for my password, in
HTTP Auth-style popups from my browser. I see this in the apache error

DBI connect('dbname=lsmb13','koumbit-test',...) failed: FATAL:  la base
de donn?es << lsmb13 >> n'existe pas at line 981

Now I am stuck again - how is it that it is connecting to that database?

Please advise. :)



The United States is a nation of laws:
badly written and randomly enforced.
                        - Frank Zappa

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