
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 01:00:59PM -0500, Cesar Mendoza wrote:
> Can you please verify that both RSA keys are different and not the
> same key with different file names. Because in that case keychain will
> only load one.

They are in fact two different keys, of different sizes in fact:

% ssh-add .ssh/id_rsa.lambda
Enter passphrase for .ssh/id_rsa.lambda:
Identity added: .ssh/id_rsa.lambda (.ssh/id_rsa.lambda)
% ssh-add -l
8192 ca:48:02:4a:2e:ee:2a:80:83:a9:fd:d6:a2:dd:5e:45 /home/ryan/.ssh/id_rsa 
521 8c:cd:93:ca:55:65:e0:48:bc:c8:3e:aa:f0:16:14:d0 /home/ryan/.ssh/id_ecdsa 
10240 33:8d:fa:0a:09:33:e3:e4:89:a3:da:28:68:75:0a:ff .ssh/id_rsa.lambda (RSA)

Best wishes,

|_)|_/  Ryan Kavanagh             |  GnuPG key
| \| \  http://ryanak.ca/         |  4A11C97A

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