
On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 11:00:30AM +0200, Nicolas Évrard wrote:
> I notice that if I start urxvt from an xterm window then the UTF-8
> characters display properly. I am a bit puzzled about the cause of the
> bug.

I used to encounter this quite a bit on FreeBSD and found it to be an
instance of the following FAQ in urxvt(7). Could you please confirm that
it is not so in your case?

| Unicode does not seem to work?
| If you encounter strange problems like typing an accented character but
| getting two unrelated other characters or similar, or if program output
| is subtly garbled, then you should check your locale settings.
| Rxvt-unicode must be started with the same "LC_CTYPE" setting as the
| programs running in it. Often rxvt-unicode is started in the "C"
| locale, while the login script running within the rxvt-unicode window
| changes the locale to something else, e.g. "en_GB.UTF-8". Needless to
| say, this is not going to work, and is the most common cause for
| problems.
| The best thing is to fix your startup environment, as you will likely
| run into other problems. If nothing works you can try this in your
| .profile.
|  printf '\33]701;%s\007' "$LC_CTYPE"   # $LANG or $LC_ALL are worth a try, too
| If this doesn't work, then maybe you use a "LC_CTYPE" specification not
| supported on your systems. Some systems have a "locale" command which
| displays this (also, "perl -e0" can be used to check locale settings,
| as it will complain loudly if it cannot set the locale). If it displays
| something like:
|  locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: ...
| Then the locale you specified is not supported on your system.
| If nothing works and you are sure that everything is set correctly then
| you will need to remember a little known fact: Some programs just don't
| support locales :(

Best wishes,

|_)|_/  Ryan Kavanagh             |  GnuPG key
| \| \  http://ryanak.ca/         |  4A11C97A

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