On 21.05.2012 20:18, Martin Erik Werner wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-05-21 at 18:44 +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> On 21.05.2012 17:21, Martin Erik Werner wrote:
>>> This looks like a neat idea, if you haven't already, you might want to
>>> ask if upstream would be interested in including a more generic
>>> server-init.cfg example?
>>> (Although I wonder if we'll see any new release of sauer any time
>>> (soon) :)
>> I haven't asked upstream for inclusion yet. They probably consider the
>> documentation at [1] sufficient. I also doubt like yourself that there
>> will be a new sauer realease soon and i don't expect it in time for the
>> upcoming freeze.
>> The server-init.cfg is indeed really simple. There aren't a lot of
>> options in general and my server-init.cfg shows all documented options
>> in [1]. At the moment i'm not sure how i could make it more generic but
>> would like to hear your opinion.
> I meant "Generic" as in just s/Debian/Magic/ and tweaking the first
> section to not use *nix-specific concepts.
> Though obviously these need not change in a Debian version.

I understand what you mean. But if you take a look at the
openarena-server package you'll find the word Debian in the server.cfg
file too and the documentation explains *nix specific concepts.

I personally like this approach because some packages provide an init
script others don't, some create a system user for a game and others
don't. In case of Sauerbraten you have to create a user and you have to
use a terminal multiplexer like screen to handle (multiple) servers
efficiently. In think this should be documented somehow.

I've just searched the svn repos of sauerbraten and it seems upstream
has already included a server-init.cfg. [1]

Let's take this one. It's official and generic.

>> So i think there are two options.
>> 1. Asking upstream for inclusion which could mean the documentation is
>> not available in time for wheezy or at all.
>> 2. Include it anyway and provide users with more information how to
>> configure the server. Maybe you could add the screen and cron text to
>> README.Debian and point to the server-init.cfg as an example?
> I meant you could do both ;)

Ok, i think this issue is solved. The rest is up to you. :)



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