Robert Lemmen <> writes:

> the pkg-config change is easy enough. with normal makefiles (where
> pkg-config is executed at build time), this shouldn't break anything.
> I do worry about all these poor sods that use autotools, there it seems
> that they would have to re-do the aclocal + ./configure stage as well to
> get the new build flags in. which might still be acceptable.

They can just use PKG_CHECK_MODULES(check, check,,) which will query the
CFLAGS/LDFLAGS with pkg-config, and does not need a rerun of aclocal +

That is what the AM_PATH_CHECK macro recommends too:
  AC_MSG_WARN([AM_PATH_CHECK() is deprecated])
  AC_MSG_WARN([[use PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CHECK], [check >= 0.9.4]) instead]])

With that in mind, I would add the appropriate CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to
check.m4 too. It's probably not the nicest thing out there, but it's not
worth the effort to update something deprecated in a better way.


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