On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 16:29:42 +0200, Josselin Mouette <j...@debian.org> wrote:
> Le samedi 23 juin 2012 à 16:12 +0200, Eduard Bloch a écrit : 
> > And then you simply decided to
> > amputate this feature completely rather than fix the bugs related to it.
> > Seriously?
> > 
> > Looks like an NMU invitation to me.
> If you have time to do NMUs for such bizarre requests, maybe you have
> enough time to help fix real bugs in evince? Or maybe enough time to fix
> mime-support?

While I may have time to do a trivial NMU to revert a simple patch, I
probably do not have time to fix "real bugs" that I do not suffer from
or do a complete overhaul of the mime-support package.

> Note that normally NMUs are much appreciated, but re-introducing this
> anti-feature will not be. Unless the NMUer is committing to maintain
> this mailcap file at every new upstream release, of course.

(What's an anti-feature? Seems to me this is a reasonable request.)

Maintaining the mailcap file seems to be a reasonable compromise of

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hurtling down the highway.
                        - Andrew S. Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks"

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