Am Do, 28. Jun 2012 um 11:42:01 +1000 schrieb Craig Small:
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 03:47:39PM +0200, Dirk Griesbach wrote:
>> (Which I circumvented by adding networking as Required-Start in the
>> procps init script.)
> procps is run. So that would mean your change would mean procps is run 
> after networking every time. However you said in the first line that
> the changes need to be *before* the inteface is up.

I messed procps and networking, sorry for the confusion. In fact, in
procps I use the line:

# X-Start-Before:    $network

> If you can clear up which is before what that would be great.

procps before $network so settings apply to all networking interfaces.


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