well the debian package i try to upload to debian mentors, but debian
package mantainer system are too deprecated.. faild in my gpg key importa
and check..

i'm mantainer colaborator on razorqt github and send to debian the minimun
requeriments to build and pack raozrqt but nothing..

so then try to upload to
 but always faild on key check, and my key have 4096 and a public part in a
public server..

i reported to mentors mail list th eproblem but nothing interesting in
solve problems..

currently many debian packages are poor on features and low improvements
due mantainers are people that not have knowledge on those software that
they pack!

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <
manuel.montez...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Any progress on this?
> I don't have experience packaging this kind of software (desktop
> environments), and I am not a Debian Developer, but maybe I can help
> to get things rolling.
> Cheers.

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
Cofundador de Venenux;  debian based multimedia alike free only zealots
users (oh well, i try but..too many free guidelines buahhh)
creador de massenkoh linux; debian enhanchements for better up to date
support on stable brand, including non-free soft.

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