On 10.07.2012 18:28, shawn wrote:
> A workaround for this bug, would be to ship the man pages in a arch:
> all, instead of arch: any package, this way they would only be built
> once. (there would only be one package), but it would also mean another
> package. Any other way that involved post-processing the generated man
> pages seems very ugly.

Splitting off an arch:all package for a single man page is overkill.

I would probably just ignore the bug and wait for a fix in docbook-xsl
or remove ma:same from libpam-systemd again for the time being.

i386 and amd64 currently have the same md5sum [1] (due to being compiled
on the same day), so those packages can be co-installed, safely.
Other combinations are much less common.


[1] http://people.debian.org/~jwilk/multi-arch/same-md5sums.txt
Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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