After three weeks of observation i have found some evidence that the
"AAS-Shutdown-Bug" is still valid for the latest ioquake3 release. I'm
sorry that i have stated otherwise before. I was confused by another bug
[1], which i reported a few minutes ago.

I've attached a log file which includes the backtrace from gdb. It looks
very similar to bug report #607178 [2].

The crash happened on oa_dm7. Only 4 bots were present and the gametype
was deathmatch. The crashes have become very rare since i switched from
Squeeze to Wheezy.

As Thilo Schulz, the upstream developer, pointed out in the past, he
can't fix the bug without a core file. I'm still trying to produce one
and if i am successful i will reopen [3].



----- Server Initialization ------
Server: oa_dm7
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak6-patch088.pk3 (711 files)
/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak6-patch085.pk3 (559 files)
/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak6-misc.pk3 (229 files)
/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak5-TA.pk3 (139 files)
/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak4-textures.pk3 (1753 files)
/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak2-players.pk3 (669 files)
/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak2-players-mature.pk3 (231 files)
/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak1-maps.pk3 (100 files)
/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak0.pk3 (1042 files)

5433 files in pk3 files
Loading vm file vm/qagame.qvm...
File "vm/qagame.qvm" found in "/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/pak6-patch088.pk3"
...which has vmMagic VM_MAGIC_USE_NATIVE.
... trying pak6-patch088/qagame
... trying qagame
Loading DLL file /usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/ instead.
Loading DLL file: /usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/
Sys_LoadGameDll(/usr/lib/openarena-server/baseoa/ found vmMain function at 0x7fffecf5b040
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: baseoa
gamedate: May 20 2012
InitGame: \com_protocol\71\g_lms_mode\0\elimination_roundtime\120\g_doWarmup\0\videoflags\7\g_maxGameClients\0\g_delagHitscan\1\g_voteMinFraglimit\20\g_voteMaxFraglimit\50\g_voteMinTimelimit\10\g_voteMaxTimelimit\30\g_voteGametypes\0\g_allowvote\1\capturelimit\8\bot_minplayers\4\sv_dlURL\\sv_fps\20\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_maxPing\250\sv_minPing\0\sv_maxRate\25000\sv_minRate\0\sv_maxclients\16\sv_hostname\Einherjer Europe Public FFA\g_gametype\0\timelimit\15\fraglimit\30\dmflags\0\version\ioq3 1.36+svn2287-1/Debian linux-x86_64 Jun 22 2012\com_gamename\Quake3Arena\mapname\oa_dm7\sv_privateClients\0\sv_allowDownload\1\.e-mail\\.web\\.location\Germany\.OS\Debian GNU/Linux\g_instantgib\0\gamename\baseoa\elimflags\0\voteflags\767\g_needpass\0\g_obeliskRespawnDelay\10\g_enableDust\0\g_enableBreath\0\g_rockets\0\g_altExcellent\0\g_timestamp\2012-07-03 19:54:10
Info: ServerInfo length: 906 of 1024
^3!readconfig: ^7could not open admin config file admin.dat
Sprees/Kills: loaded 1 killing sprees, 0 death sprees, and 0 multikills.
0 teams with 0 entities
21 items registered
------- BotLib Initialization -------
loaded weapons.c
loaded items.c
loaded syn.c
loaded rnd.c
loaded match.c
loaded rchat.c
------------ Map Loading ------------
trying to load maps/oa_dm7.aas
loaded maps/oa_dm7.aas
item_health in solid at (624.0 -328.0 320.0)
item_health in solid at (624.0 -864.0 320.0)
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push start solid
found 73 level items
33 bots parsed
58 arenas parsed
AAS initialized.
FinishSpawningItem: item_health startsolid at (624 -328 320)
FinishSpawningItem: item_health startsolid at (624 -864 320)
loaded skill 1 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 1 from bots/grunt_c.c
loaded skill 4 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 4 from bots/grunt_c.c
loaded bots/grunt_i.c
loaded bots/grunt_w.c
loaded grunt from bots/grunt_t.c
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Grunt\t\0\model\smarine\hmodel\smarine\c1\4\c2\5\hc\70\w\0\l\0\skill\ 2.00\tt\0\tl\0\id\
ClientConnect: 0
Info: There has been at least 1 bot now
Playerstore: Failed to restore player. Invalid guid: 
broadcast: print "Grunt^7 entered the game\n"
ClientBegin: 0
loaded cached skill 1.000000 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 1 from bots/sarge_c.c
loaded cached skill 4.000000 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 4 from bots/sarge_c.c
loaded bots/sarge_i.c
loaded bots/sarge_w.c
loaded sarge from bots/sarge_t.c
ClientUserinfoChanged: 1 n\Andriy\t\0\model\sarge/indigo\hmodel\sarge/indigo\c1\4\c2\5\hc\70\w\0\l\0\skill\ 2.00\tt\0\tl\0\id\
ClientConnect: 1
Playerstore: Failed to restore player. Invalid guid: 
broadcast: print "Andriy^7 entered the game\n"
ClientBegin: 1
ClientUserinfoChanged: 3 n\brammer_cozh\t\0\model\sarge/indigo\hmodel\sarge/indigo\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\1\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0\id\DF0C351B45EAADDAE8D83E4A8D4F8FC7
ClientConnect: 3
ClientUserinfoChanged: 7 n\newMouse\t\0\model\grunt\hmodel\grunt\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\4\c2\4\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0\id\B2667A0CDB9E08D7337CAA95DD95F331
ClientConnect: 7
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
ClientUserinfoChanged: 7 n\newMouse\t\0\model\grunt\hmodel\grunt\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\4\c2\4\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0\id\B2667A0CDB9E08D7337CAA95DD95F331
Playerstore: Nothing to restore. Guid: B2667A0CDB9E08D7337CAA95DD95F331
broadcast: print "newMouse^7 entered the game\n"
ClientBegin: 7
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Playerstore: Nothing to restore. Guid: DF0C351B45EAADDAE8D83E4A8D4F8FC7
broadcast: print "brammer_cozh^7 entered the game\n"
ClientBegin: 3
Item: 1 ammo_lightning
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_armor_combat
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_cells
Item: 3 item_armor_body
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Item: 7 ammo_shells
Item: 1 ammo_grenades
Item: 3 weapon_lightning
Kill: 1 0 1: Andriy killed Grunt by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 1 1: Andriy now has 1 points
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 ammo_shells
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_lightning
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_lightning
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 0 1 6: Grunt killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 1: Grunt now has 1 points
Item: 7 weapon_shotgun
say: Andriy: What the... how cheap!
Andriy^7: What the... how cheap!
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 0 holdable_teleporter
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 ammo_bullets
Item: 7 weapon_lightning
Item: 0 ammo_grenades
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 7 item_quad
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 7 item_invis
Kill: 7 0 11: newMouse killed Grunt by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 1: newMouse now has 1 points
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Grunt: Is that all you have got?
Grunt^7: Is that all you have got?
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 7 item_armor_combat
Item: 7 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 3 0 6: brammer_cozh killed Grunt by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 3 1: brammer_cozh now has 1 points
Kill: 7 3 1: newMouse killed brammer_cozh by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 7 2: newMouse now has 2 points
Challenge: 7 203 1: Client 7 got award 203
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 3 2 1: Client 3 got award 2
Challenge: 7 401 1: Client 7 got award 401
Challenge: 7 404 1: Client 7 got award 404
Challenge: 7 405 1: Client 7 got award 405
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 7 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Kill: 7 3 1: newMouse killed brammer_cozh by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 7 3: newMouse now has 3 points
Challenge: 7 203 1: Client 7 got award 203
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 3 2 1: Client 3 got award 2
Challenge: 7 401 1: Client 7 got award 401
Challenge: 7 404 1: Client 7 got award 404
Challenge: 7 405 1: Client 7 got award 405
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 7 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_grenadelauncher
Kill: 7 0 1: newMouse killed Grunt by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 7 4: newMouse now has 4 points
Award: 7 1: newMouse gained the EXCELLENT award!
Item: 1 ammo_shells
Client 3 connecting with 150 challenge ping
ClientUserinfoChanged: 2 n\UnnamedPlayer\t\0\model\assassin/default\hmodel\assassin/default\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0\id\B69B824543821994895B5EF0F92C5059
ClientConnect: 2
broadcast: print "UnnamedPlayer^7 connected\n"
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 7 0 1: newMouse killed Grunt by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 7 5: newMouse now has 5 points
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 1 item_armor_body
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 7 ammo_grenades
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 7 3 6: newMouse killed brammer_cozh by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 7 6: newMouse now has 6 points
Challenge: 7 205 1: Client 7 got award 205
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 3 2 1: Client 3 got award 2
Challenge: 7 401 1: Client 7 got award 401
ClientUserinfoChanged: 2 n\UnnamedPlayer\t\0\model\assassin/default\hmodel\assassin/default\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0\id\B69B824543821994895B5EF0F92C5059
Playerstore: Nothing to restore. Guid: B69B824543821994895B5EF0F92C5059
broadcast: print "UnnamedPlayer^7 entered the game\n"
ClientBegin: 2
Item: 3 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 7 weapon_shotgun
Item: 0 ammo_lightning
Kill: 7 1 7: newMouse killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 7 7: newMouse now has 7 points
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Kill: 7 3 7: newMouse killed brammer_cozh by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 7 8: newMouse now has 8 points
Challenge: 7 205 1: Client 7 got award 205
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 3 2 1: Client 3 got award 2
Award: 7 1: newMouse gained the EXCELLENT award!
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
say: Andriy: Back in my day, frags weren't so cheap.
Andriy^7: Back in my day, frags weren't so cheap.
broadcast: print "Grunt^7 was kicked\n"
Kill: 1022 0 20: <world> killed Grunt by MOD_SUICIDE
PlayerScore: 0 0: Grunt now has 0 points
Playerstore: Failed to store player. Invalid guid: 
ClientDisconnect: 0
say: Grunt: Sorry that's your Mom on the phone, I have to take this.
Grunt^7: Sorry that's your Mom on the phone, I have to take this.
Item: 3 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 1 weapon_grenadelauncher
Kill: 3 1 4: brammer_cozh killed Andriy by MOD_GRENADE
PlayerScore: 3 2: brammer_cozh now has 2 points
Item: 3 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 item_armor_combat
Kill: 7 2 11: newMouse killed UnnamedPlayer by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 9: newMouse now has 9 points
Challenge: 7 206 1: Client 7 got award 206
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 2 2 1: Client 2 got award 2
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
Item: 7 weapon_lightning
Item: 7 ammo_rockets
Item: 7 ammo_shells
Item: 7 ammo_bullets
Item: 7 ammo_lightning
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 3 item_armor_body
Kill: 7 2 11: newMouse killed UnnamedPlayer by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 10: newMouse now has 10 points
Challenge: 7 206 1: Client 7 got award 206
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 2 2 1: Client 2 got award 2
Item: 7 item_health
broadcast: print "UnnamedPlayer^7 disconnected\n"
Playerstore: Stored player with guid: B69B824543821994895B5EF0F92C5059 in 0
ClientDisconnect: 2
loaded cached skill 1.000000 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 1 from bots/beret_c.c
loaded cached skill 4.000000 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 4 from bots/beret_c.c
loaded bots/beret_i.c
loaded bots/beret_w.c
loaded beret from bots/beret_t.c
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\Beret\t\0\model\beret\hmodel\beret\c1\4\c2\5\hc\70\w\0\l\0\skill\ 2.00\tt\0\tl\0\id\
ClientConnect: 0
broadcast: print "Beret^7 connected\n"
Playerstore: Failed to restore player. Invalid guid: 
broadcast: print "Beret^7 entered the game\n"
ClientBegin: 0
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_lightning
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Item: 7 ammo_shells
Item: 7 ammo_bullets
Item: 7 ammo_cells
Item: 7 item_health_small
Item: 7 item_health_small
Item: 7 item_health_small
Item: 7 item_health_small
Item: 7 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 3 1 7: brammer_cozh killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 3 3: brammer_cozh now has 3 points
Item: 0 ammo_grenades
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
say: Andriy: What the... how cheap!
Andriy^7: What the... how cheap!
Item: 1 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 0 holdable_teleporter
Item: 1 ammo_grenades
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 0 ammo_bullets
Item: 1 ammo_lightning
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 item_armor_body
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 weapon_lightning
Kill: 1022 0 14: <world> killed Beret by MOD_WATER
Kill: 7 1 11: newMouse killed Andriy by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 11: newMouse now has 11 points
Item: 7 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 3 item_armor_shard
Item: 3 item_armor_shard
Item: 0 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 item_armor_combat
Kill: 1 0 7: Andriy killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 1 2: Andriy now has 2 points
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_quad
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Kill: 7 0 11: newMouse killed Beret by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 12: newMouse now has 12 points
say: Beret: pfff
Beret^7: pfff
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_lightning
Kill: 7 0 11: newMouse killed Beret by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 13: newMouse now has 13 points
Item: 3 ammo_shells
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_lightning
Item: 7 item_invis
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Kill: 1022 1 14: <world> killed Andriy by MOD_WATER
PlayerScore: 1 1: Andriy now has 1 points
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Andriy: Who needs air?
Andriy^7: Who needs air?
Item: 1 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 1 ammo_grenades
Item: 7 weapon_shotgun
Kill: 7 3 2: newMouse killed brammer_cozh by MOD_GAUNTLET
PlayerScore: 7 14: newMouse now has 14 points
Challenge: 7 201 1: Client 7 got award 201
Award: 7 0: newMouse gained the GAUNTLET award!
Challenge: 7 201 1: Client 7 got award 201
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 3 2 1: Client 3 got award 2
Challenge: 7 401 1: Client 7 got award 401
Challenge: 7 404 1: Client 7 got award 404
Challenge: 7 405 1: Client 7 got award 405
Item: 7 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_lightning
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_grenades
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 item_armor_combat
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 0 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 0 ammo_bullets
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 7 ammo_bullets
Item: 7 ammo_cells
Item: 7 item_armor_body
Item: 7 item_health_small
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 weapon_lightning
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 item_health
Kill: 3 0 6: brammer_cozh killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 3 4: brammer_cozh now has 4 points
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 7 1 1: newMouse killed Andriy by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 7 15: newMouse now has 15 points
Item: 3 ammo_shells
Item: 7 weapon_plasmagun
say: Andriy: Who needs air?
Andriy^7: Who needs air?
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Kill: 7 0 11: newMouse killed Beret by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 16: newMouse now has 16 points
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 7 1 11: newMouse killed Andriy by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 17: newMouse now has 17 points
Award: 7 1: newMouse gained the EXCELLENT award!
Item: 3 weapon_lightning
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 ammo_shells
Kill: 7 0 11: newMouse killed Beret by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 18: newMouse now has 18 points
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 item_health
say: Beret: The soft overcomes the hard, the slow overcomes the fast...
Beret^7: The soft overcomes the hard, the slow overcomes the fast...
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 7 3 11: newMouse killed brammer_cozh by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 19: newMouse now has 19 points
Challenge: 7 206 1: Client 7 got award 206
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 3 2 1: Client 3 got award 2
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 7 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_armor_body
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 7 item_health_small
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Kill: 0 3 6: Beret killed brammer_cozh by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 1: Beret now has 1 points
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 weapon_lightning
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 7 ammo_rockets
Item: 7 ammo_shells
Item: 7 ammo_lightning
Item: 3 item_armor_combat
Item: 7 ammo_lightning
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
say: Beret: bastard just lay down and pretend to be dead...
Beret^7: bastard just lay down and pretend to be dead...
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 ammo_bullets
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 item_health
Kill: 7 3 11: newMouse killed brammer_cozh by MOD_LIGHTNING
PlayerScore: 7 20: newMouse now has 20 points
Challenge: 7 206 1: Client 7 got award 206
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 3 2 1: Client 3 got award 2
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 7 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 7 ammo_shells
Item: 3 item_invis
Item: 7 item_armor_body
Item: 0 ammo_grenades
Item: 7 item_armor_shard
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_quad
Item: 1 ammo_shells
Item: 3 item_armor_combat
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Item: 1 item_health_small
Kill: 7 1 2: newMouse killed Andriy by MOD_GAUNTLET
PlayerScore: 7 21: newMouse now has 21 points
Award: 7 0: newMouse gained the GAUNTLET award!
Item: 7 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
say: Andriy: What the... how cheap!
Andriy^7: What the... how cheap!
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 7 3 1: newMouse killed brammer_cozh by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 7 22: newMouse now has 22 points
Challenge: 7 203 1: Client 7 got award 203
Challenge: 7 1 1: Client 7 got award 1
Challenge: 3 2 1: Client 3 got award 2
Challenge: 7 401 1: Client 7 got award 401
Challenge: 7 409 1: Client 7 got award 409
Item: 7 item_invis
Item: 7 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 7 item_health
Item: 7 weapon_shotgun
Item: 7 weapon_plasmagun
broadcast: print "brammer_cozh^7 disconnected\n"
Playerstore: Stored player with guid: DF0C351B45EAADDAE8D83E4A8D4F8FC7 in 1
ClientDisconnect: 3
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Kill: 7 1 1: newMouse killed Andriy by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 7 23: newMouse now has 23 points
Item: 7 weapon_shotgun
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
broadcast: print "newMouse^7 disconnected\n"
Kill: 1022 7 20: <world> killed newMouse by MOD_SUICIDE
PlayerScore: 7 22: newMouse now has 22 points
Playerstore: Stored player with guid: B2667A0CDB9E08D7337CAA95DD95F331 in 2
ClientDisconnect: 7
loaded cached skill 1.000000 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 1 from bots/ayumi_c.c
loaded cached skill 4.000000 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 4 from bots/ayumi_c.c
loaded bots/ayumi_i.c
loaded bots/ayumi_w.c
loaded Ayumi from bots/ayumi_t.c
ClientUserinfoChanged: 2 n\Jenna\t\0\model\ayumi/blue\hmodel\ayumi/blue\c1\4\c2\5\hc\70\w\0\l\0\skill\ 2.00\tt\0\tl\0\id\
ClientConnect: 2
broadcast: print "Jenna^7 connected\n"
Playerstore: Failed to restore player. Invalid guid: 
broadcast: print "Jenna^7 entered the game\n"
ClientBegin: 2
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
say: Jenna: Hey vomit-sucking ass lickers time to get your groove on!
Jenna^7: Hey vomit-sucking ass lickers time to get your groove on!
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 ammo_lightning
Kill: 2 0 6: Jenna killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 2 1: Jenna now has 1 points
loaded cached skill 1.000000 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 1 from bots/gargoyle_c.c
loaded cached skill 4.000000 from bots/default_c.c
loaded skill 4 from bots/gargoyle_c.c
loaded bots/gargoyle_i.c
loaded bots/gargoyle_w.c
loaded gargoyle from bots/gargoyle_t.c
ClientUserinfoChanged: 3 n\Cyber-Garg\t\0\model\gargoyle/tech\hmodel\gargoyle/tech\c1\4\c2\5\hc\70\w\0\l\0\skill\ 2.00\tt\0\tl\0\id\
ClientConnect: 3
broadcast: print "Cyber-Garg^7 connected\n"
Playerstore: Failed to restore player. Invalid guid: 
broadcast: print "Cyber-Garg^7 entered the game\n"
ClientBegin: 3
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Beret: The soft overcomes the hard, the slow overcomes the fast...
Beret^7: The soft overcomes the hard, the slow overcomes the fast...
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Cyber-Garg: I hope that you are all ready to die, because you'll.
Cyber-Garg^7: I hope that you are all ready to die, because you'll.
Kill: 1 2 6: Andriy killed Jenna by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 1 2: Andriy now has 2 points
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 item_quad
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Item: 1 ammo_shells
Item: 1 ammo_grenades
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 1 holdable_teleporter
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_shells
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 0 ammo_grenades
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 2 item_health
Item: 2 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_cells
Item: 3 item_armor_body
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 0 item_armor_combat
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 ammo_shells
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_lightning
Item: 3 weapon_lightning
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
Kill: 1 0 4: Andriy killed Beret by MOD_GRENADE
PlayerScore: 1 3: Andriy now has 3 points
Kill: 0 1 6: Beret killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 2: Beret now has 2 points
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_lightning
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 item_health
Kill: 3 2 1: Cyber-Garg killed Jenna by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 1: Cyber-Garg now has 1 points
Item: 0 item_health
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
say: Jenna: Didn't your momma tell you not to do that?
Jenna^7: Didn't your momma tell you not to do that?
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 item_health
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 item_health
say: Cyber-Garg: are you sure about that?
Cyber-Garg^7: are you sure about that?
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health_small
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 weapon_lightning
Item: 3 ammo_cells
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 3 ammo_grenades
Item: 2 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_bullets
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Item: 0 item_armor_body
Item: 3 item_armor_combat
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 item_invis
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 3 0 1: Cyber-Garg killed Beret by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 2: Cyber-Garg now has 2 points
Item: 1 ammo_grenades
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 2 item_quad
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 1 ammo_shells
Kill: 2 0 8: Jenna killed Beret by MOD_PLASMA
PlayerScore: 2 2: Jenna now has 2 points
Item: 1 holdable_teleporter
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 0 2 6: Beret killed Jenna by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 3: Beret now has 3 points
Kill: 0 0 7: Beret killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 0 2: Beret now has 2 points
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Jenna: Is that all?
Jenna^7: Is that all?
Item: 3 item_quad
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 3 2 1: Cyber-Garg killed Jenna by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 3: Cyber-Garg now has 3 points
Kill: 1022 1 14: <world> killed Andriy by MOD_WATER
PlayerScore: 1 2: Andriy now has 2 points
Item: 2 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
say: Andriy: Who needs air?
Andriy^7: Who needs air?
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 3 0 1: Cyber-Garg killed Beret by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 4: Cyber-Garg now has 4 points
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 1 ammo_lightning
say: Beret: Nice 1
Beret^7: Nice 1
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 3 2 1: Cyber-Garg killed Jenna by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 5: Cyber-Garg now has 5 points
Kill: 1 3 7: Andriy killed Cyber-Garg by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 1 3: Andriy now has 3 points
Item: 2 weapon_grenadelauncher
Kill: 1 0 6: Andriy killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 1 4: Andriy now has 4 points
Award: 1 1: Andriy gained the EXCELLENT award!
Item: 2 weapon_shotgun
Kill: 0 1 7: Beret killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 0 3: Beret now has 3 points
Item: 2 item_quad
say: Cyber-Garg: Is that all you have got?
Cyber-Garg^7: Is that all you have got?
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 0 ammo_grenades
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 weapon_lightning
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 1 3 1: Andriy killed Cyber-Garg by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 1 5: Andriy now has 5 points
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 ammo_shells
Item: 2 ammo_bullets
Item: 2 ammo_cells
Item: 2 item_armor_body
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 2 ammo_shells
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 ammo_bullets
Item: 2 ammo_lightning
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 item_health
Kill: 0 1 7: Beret killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 0 4: Beret now has 4 points
Item: 0 item_health
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
say: Andriy: Back in my day, frags weren't so cheap.
Andriy^7: Back in my day, frags weren't so cheap.
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 1 ammo_lightning
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 item_armor_body
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 1 ammo_grenades
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 holdable_teleporter
Item: 1 ammo_shells
Item: 0 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 2 item_quad
Kill: 0 1 6: Beret killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 5: Beret now has 5 points
Item: 3 ammo_lightning
say: Andriy: Back in my day, frags weren't so cheap.
Andriy^7: Back in my day, frags weren't so cheap.
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
Kill: 1 0 7: Andriy killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 1 6: Andriy now has 6 points
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 ammo_shells
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_cells
Item: 3 item_armor_body
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Kill: 2 1 8: Jenna killed Andriy by MOD_PLASMA
PlayerScore: 2 3: Jenna now has 3 points
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 ammo_cells
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 0 item_health
Item: 2 ammo_cells
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 3 1 1: Cyber-Garg killed Andriy by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 6: Cyber-Garg now has 6 points
Kill: 0 2 7: Beret killed Jenna by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 0 6: Beret now has 6 points
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Jenna: did not your momma tell you not to do that?
Jenna^7: did not your momma tell you not to do that?
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 item_quad
Item: 0 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 0 item_health
Item: 3 ammo_shells
Item: 0 item_armor_body
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 ammo_grenades
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 ammo_lightning
Kill: 3 0 1: Cyber-Garg killed Beret by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 7: Cyber-Garg now has 7 points
say: Beret: The master arrives without leaving, sees without looking, achieves without doing... you are that one.
Beret^7: The master arrives without leaving, sees without looking, achieves without doing... you are that one.
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
Item: 2 ammo_bullets
Kill: 3 2 1: Cyber-Garg killed Jenna by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 8: Cyber-Garg now has 8 points
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 ammo_grenades
Item: 3 holdable_teleporter
Item: 1 ammo_shells
say: Jenna: I'm not impressed.
Jenna^7: I'm not impressed.
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 0 ammo_cells
Item: 1 ammo_lightning
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 1 item_armor_body
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 ammo_shells
Kill: 1 3 1: Andriy killed Cyber-Garg by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 1 7: Andriy now has 7 points
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 weapon_shotgun
say: Cyber-Garg: I hope your genitals fall off in a freak fishing accident.
Cyber-Garg^7: I hope your genitals fall off in a freak fishing accident.
Item: 3 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 item_invis
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 ammo_cells
Kill: 0 1 6: Beret killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 7: Beret now has 7 points
Kill: 3 2 4: Cyber-Garg killed Jenna by MOD_GRENADE
PlayerScore: 3 9: Cyber-Garg now has 9 points
say: Andriy: Back in my day, frags weren't so cheap.
Andriy^7: Back in my day, frags weren't so cheap.
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
say: Jenna: Is that all?
Jenna^7: Is that all?
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 3 0 4: Cyber-Garg killed Beret by MOD_GRENADE
PlayerScore: 3 10: Cyber-Garg now has 10 points
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Beret: Wuss
Beret^7: Wuss
Item: 0 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 3 ammo_cells
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Kill: 1 2 1: Andriy killed Jenna by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 1 8: Andriy now has 8 points
Item: 1 item_health
Kill: 0 1 4: Beret killed Andriy by MOD_GRENADE
PlayerScore: 0 8: Beret now has 8 points
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 3 0 7: Cyber-Garg killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 3 11: Cyber-Garg now has 11 points
Item: 1 ammo_grenades
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 ammo_shells
Item: 1 ammo_lightning
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_cells
Item: 3 item_armor_body
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 1 0 7: Andriy killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 1 9: Andriy now has 9 points
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 ammo_shells
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 0 ammo_grenades
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 0 ammo_bullets
Item: 0 holdable_teleporter
Item: 2 item_quad
Kill: 2 1 8: Jenna killed Andriy by MOD_PLASMA
PlayerScore: 2 4: Jenna now has 4 points
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
say: Andriy: jenna is death incarnate.
Andriy^7: jenna is death incarnate.
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_lightning
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 1022 0 14: <world> killed Beret by MOD_WATER
PlayerScore: 0 7: Beret now has 7 points
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 2 1 8: Jenna killed Andriy by MOD_PLASMA
PlayerScore: 2 5: Jenna now has 5 points
Kill: 3 2 1: Cyber-Garg killed Jenna by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 12: Cyber-Garg now has 12 points
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
say: Jenna: I'm not impressed.
Jenna^7: I'm not impressed.
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 item_quad
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 3 0 1: Cyber-Garg killed Beret by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 13: Cyber-Garg now has 13 points
Kill: 0 3 6: Beret killed Cyber-Garg by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 8: Beret now has 8 points
Item: 1 ammo_grenades
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Cyber-Garg: Is that all you've got?
Cyber-Garg^7: Is that all you've got?
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 ammo_lightning
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 2 item_health_small
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 item_invis
Item: 2 weapon_shotgun
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Kill: 0 1 6: Beret killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 9: Beret now has 9 points
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
Item: 0 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 ammo_bullets
say: Andriy: What the... how cheap!
Andriy^7: What the... how cheap!
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 item_quad
Kill: 0 2 6: Beret killed Jenna by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 10: Beret now has 10 points
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 0 ammo_grenades
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 0 ammo_rockets
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 3 0 6: Cyber-Garg killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 3 14: Cyber-Garg now has 14 points
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 1022 3 14: <world> killed Cyber-Garg by MOD_WATER
PlayerScore: 3 13: Cyber-Garg now has 13 points
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Cyber-Garg: I thought Leileilol gave me gills!
Cyber-Garg^7: I thought Leileilol gave me gills!
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_shells
Kill: 0 2 6: Beret killed Jenna by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 11: Beret now has 11 points
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 1 item_armor_body
Item: 1 item_health_small
say: Jenna: Life sucks, then you die, big deal.
Jenna^7: Life sucks, then you die, big deal.
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
Item: 2 ammo_cells
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 holdable_teleporter
Item: 2 ammo_grenades
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 2 weapon_plasmagun
Kill: 1022 3 19: <world> killed Cyber-Garg by MOD_FALLING
PlayerScore: 3 12: Cyber-Garg now has 12 points
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 weapon_shotgun
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 0 item_health_small
Kill: 1 2 1: Andriy killed Jenna by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 1 10: Andriy now has 10 points
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 2 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 3 ammo_cells
Item: 0 item_quad
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 item_health
Kill: 0 1 6: Beret killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 0 12: Beret now has 12 points
Item: 3 ammo_cells
say: Andriy: What the... how cheap!
Andriy^7: What the... how cheap!
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 2 0 6: Jenna killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 2 6: Jenna now has 6 points
Item: 0 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 item_quad
Kill: 3 1 1: Cyber-Garg killed Andriy by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 13: Cyber-Garg now has 13 points
Item: 2 weapon_shotgun
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 2 1 6: Jenna killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 2 7: Jenna now has 7 points
Kill: 2 2 7: Jenna killed Jenna by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 2 6: Jenna now has 6 points
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
say: Jenna: Aww crap!
Jenna^7: Aww crap!
Item: 2 weapon_grenadelauncher
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 item_quad
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 ammo_grenades
Kill: 0 1 7: Beret killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 0 13: Beret now has 13 points
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_cells
Item: 3 item_armor_body
Item: 3 item_health_small
Kill: 1 0 6: Andriy killed Beret by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 1 11: Andriy now has 11 points
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
say: Beret: The master arrives without leaving, sees without looking, achieves without doing... you are that one.
Beret^7: The master arrives without leaving, sees without looking, achieves without doing... you are that one.
Item: 0 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
Item: 1 item_quad
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 3 item_health_small
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 1 2 7: Andriy killed Jenna by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 1 12: Andriy now has 12 points
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_rockets
Item: 2 ammo_lightning
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Kill: 2 1 7: Jenna killed Andriy by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
PlayerScore: 2 7: Jenna now has 7 points
Item: 3 ammo_bullets
Item: 3 ammo_lightning
Item: 3 ammo_shells
Item: 3 ammo_rockets
Item: 3 weapon_lightning
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
Item: 2 holdable_teleporter
Kill: 1 3 6: Andriy killed Cyber-Garg by MOD_ROCKET
PlayerScore: 1 13: Andriy now has 13 points
Item: 2 ammo_shells
Item: 0 item_armor_body
Item: 1 weapon_shotgun
Item: 2 ammo_bullets
say: Cyber-Garg: took you long enough...
Cyber-Garg^7: took you long enough...
Item: 3 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 2 ammo_grenades
Item: 1 item_armor_combat
Item: 0 item_armor_shard
Item: 0 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 0 item_health_small
Item: 0 item_health_small
Kill: 1022 2 14: <world> killed Jenna by MOD_WATER
PlayerScore: 2 6: Jenna now has 6 points
Item: 1 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 3 weapon_plasmagun
say: Jenna: I can not swim!
Jenna^7: I can not swim!
Item: 0 ammo_shells
Item: 2 ammo_rockets
say: Andriy: are you sure about that?
Andriy^7: are you sure about that?
Item: 2 ammo_grenades
Item: 3 weapon_shotgun
Item: 1 item_health
Item: 1 weapon_plasmagun
Item: 2 item_health
Kill: 3 2 1: Cyber-Garg killed Jenna by MOD_SHOTGUN
PlayerScore: 3 14: Cyber-Garg now has 14 points
Item: 0 item_quad
Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
Item: 1 ammo_bullets
Item: 1 ammo_cells
Item: 1 item_armor_body
Item: 3 item_health
Item: 0 item_health

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000481bfb in AAS_PredictRoute (route=0x7fffffffd7c0, areanum=565, 
    origin=0x7fffed24c6f8, goalareanum=5, travelflags=18616254, maxareas=100, 
    maxtime=1000, stopevent=6, stopcontents=1024, stoptfl=67108864, 
    stopareanum=0) at code/botlib/be_aas_route.c:1864
1864	code/botlib/be_aas_route.c: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
	in code/botlib/be_aas_route.c

Thread 1 (process 17580):
#0  0x0000000000481bfb in AAS_PredictRoute (route=0x7fffffffd7c0, areanum=565, 
    origin=0x7fffed24c6f8, goalareanum=5, travelflags=18616254, maxareas=100, 
    maxtime=1000, stopevent=6, stopcontents=1024, stoptfl=67108864, 
    stopareanum=0) at code/botlib/be_aas_route.c:1864
        curareanum = <value optimized out>
        reachnum = 2
        i = <value optimized out>
        j = 0
        testareanum = <value optimized out>
        curorigin = {880, -1268, -119.875}
        reach = 0x7fffee378e1c
        reachareas = 0x7ffff5e732d0
#1  0x000000000040d460 in SV_GameSystemCalls (args=Unhandled dwarf expression opcode 0xf3
    at code/server/sv_game.c:517
No locals.
#2  0x0000000000454ed2 in VM_DllSyscall (arg=Unhandled dwarf expression opcode 0xf3
) at code/qcommon/vm.c:352
        args = {576, 140737488345024, 565, 140737171998456, 5, 18616254, 
          64424509540, 1000, 6, 1024, 67108864, 0, 0, 140737169035039, 1000, 6}
        i = 16
        ap = {{gp_offset = 8, fp_offset = 0, 
            overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffffffd750, 
            reg_save_area = 0x7fffffffd710}}
#3  0x00007fffecfe183d in trap_AAS_PredictRoute (route=Unhandled dwarf expression opcode 0xf3
    at code/game/g_syscalls.c:358
No locals.
#4  0x00007fffecf78f1f in BotAIPredictObstacles (bs=0x7fffed24b3c4, 
    goal=0x1d4a11) at code/game/ai_dmq3.c:4662
        modelnum = 2
        entitynum = 2
        bspent = 2
        activategoal = {inuse = 1650552421, goal = {origin = {2.48961734e+32, 
              8.0201018e-10, 6.59371481e+22}, areanum = 1818386798, mins = {
              7.15023407e+22, 2.61720618e+17, 1.66712527e+19}, maxs = {
              2.74952447e+26, 2.74105586e+17, 1.66712527e+19}, 
            entitynum = 1165257825, number = 1818583928, flags = 1953391980, 
            iteminfo = 1734094940}, time = 4.51566821e+27, 
          start_time = 2.81832538e+20, justused_time = 1.28312481e-08, 
          shoot = 758264112, weapon = 808269616, target = {0.000168920305, 
            0.000687438645, 1.72878192e-41}, origin = {0, 0, 0}, areas = {
            0 <repeats 24 times>, 1833403648, -674558294, 0, 0, -316361788, 
            32767, -315038816, 32767}, numareas = 0, areasdisabled = 0, 
          next = 0x32}
        route = {endpos = {880, -1268, -119.875}, endarea = 568, 
          stopevent = 0, endcontents = 0, endtravelflags = 2, 
          numareas = 1699900275, time = 11}
#5  0x00007fffecf6b44b in AINode_Seek_LTG (bs=0x7fffed24b3c4)
    at code/game/ai_dmnet.c:1994
        dir = {0, 0, 0}
        moveresult = {failure = 0, type = 0, blocked = 0, blockentity = 0, 
          traveltype = 0, flags = 0, weapon = 0, movedir = {0, 0, 0}, 
          ideal_viewangles = {0, 0, 0}}
        range = <value optimized out>
        goal = {origin = {1244, -32, 352.25}, areanum = 5, mins = {-13, -13, 
            -13}, maxs = {13, 13, 13}, entitynum = 82, number = 4, flags = 1, 
          iteminfo = 27}
        target = {0, 0, 0}
#6  AINode_Seek_LTG (bs=0x7fffed24b3c4) at code/game/ai_dmnet.c:1886
No locals.
#7  0x00007fffecf7bbfa in BotDeathmatchAI (bs=0x7fffed24b3c4, thinktime=Unhandled dwarf expression opcode 0xf3
    at code/game/ai_dmq3.c:5377
        gender = "\000\000\000\000\377\177\000\000P\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\374\333\377\377\377\177\000\000\360\333\377\377\377\177\000\000\220%\274\365\377\177\000\000\360\333\377\377\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\200\220B\000\000\000\000\000\260@\274\365\377\177\000\000\220\333\377\377\377\177\000\000<\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\200\065\274\365\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\200\220B\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\177\000\000P\335\377\377\377\177\000"
        name = "\374\333\377\377\377\177\000\000\360\333\377\377\377\177\000\000p\030\274\365\377\177\000\000\360\333\377\377\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\200\220B\000\000\000\000\000`\030\274\365\377\177\000\000\220\333\377\377\377\177\000\000<\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\240%\274\365\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\200\220B\000\000\000\000\000\240%\274\365\377\177\000\000P\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\374\333\377\377\377\177\000\000\360\333\377\377\377\177\000"
        buf = "`\030\274\365\377\177\000\000\360\333\377\377\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\200\220B\000\000\000\000\000\244%6\355\377\177\000\000\220\333\377\377\377\177\000\000<\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\220%\274\365\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\200\220B\000\000\000\000\000\220%\274\365\377\177\000\000P\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\334\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\360\340\377\377\377\177\000\000D66\355\377\177\000\000\360\333\377\377\377\177\000"
        userinfo = "\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\236\233B\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\064\232'\304$\344\377\377\377\177\000\000<\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000p\030\274\365\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\200\220B\000\000\000\000\000\000\000p\301\000\000\340\301\000\000p\301\000\000pA\374\334\377\377\377\177\000\000\360\334\377\377\377\177\000\000\376L\321Bk\230\v\304\376\277\347\302\374\025\333B\006h\017\304\376\277\347\302\000\000p\301\000\000p\301\000\000\340\301\000\000pA\000\000pA\000\000\340A<\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000`\030\274\365\377\177\000\000\060\335\377\377\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\200\220B\000\000\000\000\000\000\000p\301\000\000p\301\000\000\340A\000\000pA\000\000p\301\000\000\340A\000\000p\301\000\000pA\000\000\340A\000\000pA\000\000pA\000\000\340A\000\000hB\000\000pA\000\000pA\000\000\340A\376L\263B\006(\023\304\377\337\017\303\374\025\371B\034\337\377\377\377\177\000\000\360\341\377\377\377\177"...
#8  0x00007fffecf803fe in BotAI (client=0, thinktime=0.100000001)
    at code/game/ai_main.c:1075
        bs = 0x7fffed24b3c4
        buf = "I\002\000\000J\002\000\000\360\340\377\377\377\177\000\000\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000A\002\000\000\000\000\062\000\000\000\000\000\000\000f[\371\354\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\274c\032\300\060\066\066\355\377\177\000\000\256G\341z\024\256\357?\260\373\070\355\377\177\000\000`\343\377\377\377\177\000\000\357\003\000\000\000\000\000\000D66\355\377\177\000\000 \341\377\377\377\177\000\000D66\355\377\177\000\000\260\341\377\377\377\177\000\000 \373\070\355\377\177\000\000\260\373\070\355\377\177\000\000\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\357\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\062\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\065\361@\000\000\000\000\000\062\000\000\000\000\000\000\000f[\371\354\377\177\000\000\001\000A\002\274c\032\300\060\066\066\355\377\177\000\000\260\373\070\355\377\177\000\000\260\373\070\355\377\177\000\000\060\066\066\355\377\177\000\000\357\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\062\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\322NE\000\000\000\000\000 \342\377\377\377\177\000\000\200\354\070\355\377\177\000\000\260 '\355"...
        args = <value optimized out>
        j = 3
#9  0x00007fffecf820df in BotAIStartFrame (time=738900)
    at code/game/ai_main.c:1585
        i = <value optimized out>
        ent = <value optimized out>
        state = {type = 2, flags = 32, origin = {747, -757, -239}, angles = {
            0, 0, 0}, old_origin = {0, 0, 0}, mins = {-15, -15, -15}, maxs = {
            15, 15, 15}, groundent = 1022, solid = 2, modelindex = 12, 
          modelindex2 = 1, frame = 0, event = 0, eventParm = 0, powerups = 0, 
          weapon = 0, legsAnim = 0, torsoAnim = 0}
        elapsed_time = 50
        thinktime = 100
        local_time = 738900
        botlib_residual = 0
        lastbotthink_time = 100
#10 0x00007fffecf5b07f in vmMain (command=Unhandled dwarf expression opcode 0xf3
) at code/game/g_main.c:452
No locals.
#11 0x0000000000456c9a in VM_Call (vm=0x9e5500, callnum=10)
    at code/qcommon/vm.c:889
        args = {738900, 10376448, 10093728, -316203320, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4342}
        ap = {{gp_offset = 16, fp_offset = 32767, 
            overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffffffe5c0, 
            reg_save_area = 0x7fffffffe560}}
        oldVM = 0x9e5500
        r = <value optimized out>
        i = 10
#12 0x0000000000414a3e in SV_Frame (msec=Unhandled dwarf expression opcode 0xf3
) at code/server/sv_main.c:1134
        frameMsec = 50
        startTime = 0
#13 0x00000000004307ec in Com_Frame () at code/qcommon/common.c:3156
        msec = <value optimized out>
        minMsec = <value optimized out>
        timeVal = <value optimized out>
        timeValSV = <value optimized out>
        lastTime = 26636015
        bias = 0
        timeBeforeFirstEvents = 0
        timeBeforeServer = 0
        timeBeforeEvents = 0
        timeBeforeClient = 0
        timeAfter = 0
#14 0x00000000004031e0 in main (argc=Unhandled dwarf expression opcode 0xf3
) at code/sys/sys_main.c:641
        i = <value optimized out>
        commandLine = "\000set com_basegame baseoa \000set fs_basepath /usr/lib/openarena-server \000set com_homepath .openarena \000set com_legacyprotocol 71 \000set com_protocol 71 \000set sv_master1 \000set cl_motd 0 \000"...
Kill the program being debugged? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal]

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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