On Monday, July 23, 2012 10:34:28, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Philipp Kern writes ("Re: Bug#682010: [mumble] Communication failures due to 
CELT codec library removal"):
> > On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 06:31:27PM -0400, Chris Knadle wrote:
> > >    1) Fix up "348" from Wheezy so it compiles and uses the CELT
> > >    
> > >       codec library [very undesirable]
> > >    
> > >    2) Same as 1) but with embedded CELT (would need testing)
> > >    3) drop mumble from Wheezy
> Of these 2. would seem to be the best option.

I agree.

  - Solution should work for both Wheezy and Sid
    (-2 in Sid currently has no celt support, and celt is the most widely
     used codec in mumble on the 'net)
  - Would use celt 0.7 as well as 0.11
  - Celt library can be removed, which a lot of effort has gone into
  - Larger diff in mumble
  - Would greatly irritate mumble maintainer

> Mumble is pretty widely used in some communities and I certainly think
> we should try to have software in wheezy which can (i) provide a
> server for mumble clients (ii) talk to mumble servers (iii) is
> generally compatible with the existing deployed base (both inside and
> outside Debian).
> Personally I don't think there is much to prefer between 1 and 2.  Is
> all that's stopping us from fixing this is overcoming our resistance
> to an embedded library copy ?  If so I think we should just go ahead.

  - Smaller diff in mumble
  - Only uses celt 0.7
  - Proliferates library that upstream requested removal of
  - No DD found to maintain celt 0.7 library (yet)
  - Would somewhat irritate mumble maintainer

> The difference in security supportability of a single embedded library
> copy versus a separately library package with a rdep isn't very
> great.  The difference mostly consists of the discoverability of the
> embedded copy - and after this conversation I think we can reasonably
> hope that everyone will know that mumble needs attention for security
> bugs in celt 0.7.1.


> We should confirm this with the security team but I don't imagine
> they'll have an objection.

  -- Chris

Chris Knadle
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