tag 683057 wishlist

On Saturday 28 July 2012 01:41 PM, Mika Suomalainen wrote:
> Like the system information says, I am using experimental with
> pin-priority 500.
> Currently I am getting crash reports from colord and when I try to
> report it, I will get this message:
> ```
> The problem cannot be reported:
> You have some obsolete package versions installed. Please upgrade the
> following packages and check if the problem still occurs:
> libpng12-0, perl-base
> ```
> Those packages are more up-to-date in experimental than on my system
> and because of this I cannot report the issue. I cannot upgrade those
> packages either, because it would want to remove too many packages,
> which I consider as important.
The problems you are describing is part of the package when you use
Apport does stop you from reporting a bug if it detects your installed
packages to be obsolete. I can see a "-f" / "--force" option, so the
wishlist tag.

This will take some time because I first need to talk about apport with
the community to see how we want to fit it into the project. Until then,
it'll remain in experimental only.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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