usertags 683570 packaging

Le Wed, Aug 01, 2012 at 11:19:58PM +0200, Gian Piero Carrubba a écrit :
> Please also include within the package all the documents listed
> under "Supplemental Policy documentation" in [0].
> At the moment, the missing documents seem to be:
> - debconf specification
> - Emacsen policy
> - Java policy (request already present in #553619)
> - Python policy

Dear Gian Piero,

from a technical point of view, it would be easy to integrate these documents
(note that the debconf specification is already in).  But I think that the
request should go from the sub-policy maintainers to the policy maintainers,
not the reverse direction.

If you think there are benefits to maintain all documents in the same package
(preferrably in DocBook XML), please discuss it with the Emacsen, Java and
Python policy maintainers first.  If they propose to transfer their documents
in the policy package, I am confident that their request will be received very

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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