
On 2012-07-07, Ben Armstrong wrote:
> On 07/07/12 02:18 PM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>> I have tried the install method described here with the Debian Wheezy alpha1 
>> d-i:
>> http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apas02.html#howto-getting-images-usb
> First, this is not the official doc, but is an internal site used to
> track translation status. It looks considerably out of date to me,
> dating back to before the release of Squeeze.

Ah. Well, it's the first manual I could find. :)

> Second, that points me at a page that doesn't look anything like the
> steps you described in your email. Maybe you were thinking of this one?
> http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch04s03.html.en
> In any case, whichever version of the instructions you were following,
> this is incorrect:
>>  2. uncompress the .img.gz file and dd it into a USB key:
>>     gunzip debian-700alpha1-i386-boot.img.gz
>>     sudo dd if=debian-700alpha1-i386-boot.img of=/dev/sdb1
> If your intention was to use a pre-partitioned key, see the "flexible
> way". But this looks like you were trying the "easy way" which says:
> # zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdX
> Earlier on the same page (whether the one I cited above, or the
> out-of-date doc you linked to) it explains this is the whole drive, not
> a partition.

Oops! Sorry, my mistake!

>> I will try the method described here as a workaround:
>> http://joeyh.name/blog/entry/Debian_USB_install_from_hybrid_iso/
>> If it works, I suggest the documentation be updated to advise users to
>> use the .isos instead of the hd-media files.
> It already is. See the documentation for the stable release I linked to
> above, section 4.3.1. Preparing a USB stick using a hybrid CD or DVD
> image. Naturally, the wheezy doc, when released, will include this
> recommendation as well.

Alright! It would be useful to make that documentation more clearly
available, because as things stand people digging for wheezy install
docs find the alioth page instead.

But maybe that's just me...

I think this bug can be closed if you are satisfied with the

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                        - Richard Desjardins, Miami

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