Konstantin Khomoutov <flatw...@users.sourceforge.net> writes:
> Then I suggest it to be rephrased "... extensions on the rightmost
> place ...", or may be even simpler: "... php5-cgi now only serves files
> which have .php, .php[345] or .phtml as their rightmost extension
> ...".

how about "... have .php, .php[345] or .phtml at the end"?

(or 'right-hand end' if you think there's any possibility of confusion)

'extension' only really makes sense on FAT and similar file systems, and
the extension on those file systems does not include the full-stop (.)

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
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