Can you confirm the problem is actually related to wget, as opposed to
gnutls? Your first post seems to indicate that some versions of gnutls
are having the same problem. Wget from stable used openssl exclusively,
IIRC. I believe curl uses openssl, too.

You said you played with different versions of gnutls-bin; did libgnutls
get upgraded/downgraded accordingly, and did such upgrades/downgrades
affect other gnutls-using tool (including wget)?

It might be worth testing whether rebuilding tools from source against
different versions of the dev package for gnutls, in case there was a
problem with a header file (but that seems rather less likely). If that
ended up being the case, there'd need to be bugs against gnutls (unless
it was fixed in recent versions), and also a bug against anything that
had built against the bad headers (including wget).


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