Hi Guido and Christoph,

On Sat, 22. Sep 19:19 Guido Günther <a...@sigxcpu.org> wrote:
> >   2. Removing MV completely from wheezy and uploading 3.0.0 to
> >      unstable.
> I'd go for this one. Everything besides 3.0 doesn't seem to work that
> well ant I tthnk it's hard to maintain 2.6 for the next years. We can
> then ask for a freeze exception for 3.0 - if it doesn't happen so be it.

That sounds reasonable. 

> Can you point me to your current 3.0.0 package for ease of reviewing?

I've uploaded the current 3.0.0 package to mentors.debian.net.

dget -x

I have also changed the install path of the flv.sh helper script to
/usr/share/mediathekview/bin. My initial intention was to create a
better "Programmset" for Linux and eventually to get completely rid of
flv.sh. One can also change the path to flv.sh under "Programmset".
Each of these sets is basically a xml file which can be downloaded from
the official homepage. In fact the flv.sh file isn't included in the
sources of version 3.0.0 and has been added later.

Thank you both. I'm ready to get this bug fixed.


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