On Mon, 24. Sep 06:07 Bart Martens <ba...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> I have set the severity of bug 575087 (merged with 599083) to "grave" with a
> short explanation why.  Please consider fixing that bug for wheezy before
> packaging a newer upstream release in unstable.

Hi Bart,

thank you for your interest in wbar. I already targeted the new
version, 2.3.4, for experimental in case a RC bug would be filed against the
old version in Wheezy. 

I had a look at #575087 and #599083 again but unfortunately severity
"grave" would only be justified under one condition which is to demand
that a package should work out-of-the-box even if the recommended
packages were not installed.

I'm sure both bug reporters didn't install the recommended
gnome-extra-icons and the dustin font. If you install wbar the
recommended way then it works just fine.

But as Julien Valroff mentioned in the bug report [1], even if you had
installed wbar without recommended packages, it would be enough
to change the configuration and to point to an existing font.

Don't get me wrong, i'd love to see wbar 2.3.4 in wheezy because it
works with or without recommended packages out-of-the-box. Now the
configuration is much easier with wbar-config but it still appeals to advanced
users who care about efficient and lightweight software.

Thus said i'd be happy to fix the bug for wheezy because i agree the old
wbar version lacks a user friendly configuration, but i can only fix the
bug if 2.3.4. migrates to wheezy. 

Otherwise i suggest to lower the severity to important again because
wbar isn't unusable.


[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=599083#10


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