Control: tags 668728 + moreinfo

On 09/25/2012 01:12 AM, Matt Taggart wrote:
>   if printf "%s" "$param" | egrep -q '^console=ttyS[0-9]+,[0-9]+n8$'; then

this is within a for loop:

 for param in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do

the result that each element assigned to $param is split from the next
by IFS, which is basic whitespace.

> the egrep regex to detect a serial console is anchored with ^ at the front, 
> assuming that this console entry will be the first thing on the cmdline. 
> This prevents one from doing such things as
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"

hm, i don't think it does.  have you verified this?  the anchor tests
against the start of each parameter, not against the start of the entire

do you have an example of where this actually fails to work?

> makes it so that a getty runs on the first ttyS match on the line which is 
> probably what's wanted (although I suppose someone might list multiple, 
> like a real serial and an ipmi serial, but that would take more enhancing 
> of this module).

fwiw, i think most ipmi serials are also real serial ports on the
mainboard, just exported via another external interface through the ipmi
symbiont device.

while the goal of spawning a getty on each line the kernel has its
console on is an interesting one, i don't think it's particularly
useful.  once we're in the realm of using multiple serial lines, it's
entirely possible that you want the kernel spew on one, a getty on
another, and (who knows) a SLIP connection on the third.  The current
module is a helper to make some default connections work in a standard
and expectable way, not a flexibly-configurable port multiplexer.

while a module to handle port multiplexing in complex ways would be
useful, i think that's an entirely different module than this one, not
an enhancement of it.

i've tagged this moreinfo because i don't see the bug in question, due
to how $param is split out.  Can you help me understand what the problem is?


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