On Tue, 16. Oct 20:17 Martin Dosch <martin.do...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Dear Maintainer,
> I installed mediathekview for the first time.
> And after initial configuration dialogue it crashes with following output:

Hi and thanks for the report. 

I have not seen this error before, although i have tested mediathekview
thoroughly. So i need your help to debug the problem.

You are running the liquorix kernel which is not supported by Debian. Do
you experience the same issue with the default kernel in Debian?

Does mediathekview crash every time on startup or only after the initial
configuration? So can you reproduce the crash by removing the hidden
.mediathek3 folder, purging mediathekview and installing it again?
If you have the opportunity to test mediathekview on multiple computers,
this could also help narrowing down the problem.

What happens if you use openjdk-6 instead of openjdk-7?

What kind of X environment do you use, window manager and or desktop

Please be as verbose as possible. Thanks!


Markus Koschany

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