Stefan, thank you for your patch.

These androids (and also iphones who insist on broadcasting their 3g
ip when switching from 3g to wifi) were driving me crazy!

The patch applied cleanly on the wheezy version, it runs fine from cli
but I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to properly run
it from /etc/default/arpwatch.

For example, my pcap filter looks like this:
-F 'not ether host (MAC1 or MAC2)'
and the ARGS line in /etc/default/arpwatch is
ARGS="-N -p -i br0 -F 'not ether host (MAC1 or MAC2)'"

When I run /etc/init.d/arpwatch with sh -x or strace, I see arpwatch
apparently gets called correctly:

execve("/usr/sbin/arpwatch", ["/usr/sbin/arpwatch", "-u", "arpwatch",
"-N", "-p", "-i", "br0", "-F", "'not", "ether", "host",
"(78:d6:f0:d3:33:f2", "or", "90:c1:15:cb:f4:6b)'"], [/* 22 vars */]) =

(sh -x; sh is /bin/dash)
+ ARGS=-u arpwatch -N -p -i br0 -F 'not ether host (78:d6:f0:d3:33:f2
or 90:c1:15:cb:f4:6b)'
+ exec start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/arpwatch --
-u arpwatch -N -p -i br0 -F 'not ether host (78:d6:f0:d3:33:f2 or

However arpwatch replies with incorrect usage (note it says double
quotes instead of single quote):

Version 2.1a15
usage: arpwatch [-dN] [-f datafile] [-F "filter" ][-i interface] [-n
net[/width]] [-r file] [-s sendmail_path] [-p] [-a] [-m addr] [-u
username] [-R seconds ] [-Q] [-z ignorenet/ignoremask]

Oddly enough, putting a line like
exec start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/arpwatch -- -u
arpwatch -N -p -i br0 -F 'not ether host (78:d6:f0:d3:33:f2 or
into and running sh -x ./ works fine.

I'm out of ideas, any hints about what could be wrong?

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