----- Original Message -----

> From: Simon Paillard <spaill...@debian.org>
> To: Budiwijaya <budi...@yahoo.com>; 688...@bugs.debian.org
> Cc: 
> Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 6:27 AM
> Subject: Re: Bug#688270: mirror listing update for suro.ubaya.ac.id
> Hi,
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 11:43:06PM +0000, Budiwijaya wrote:
>>  Package: mirrors
>>  Severity: minor
>>  Submission-Type: update
>>  Site: suro.ubaya.ac.id
>>  Aliases: ftp.id.debian.org
>>  Type: leaf
>>  Archive-architecture: amd64 armel armhf i386 
>>  Archive-http: /debian/
>>  Archive-rsync: debian/
>>  IPv6: no
>>  Archive-upstream: ftp.br.debian.org
>>  Updates: push
> Record updated regarding push setup.
> ----------------------------
> revision 1.2095
> date: 2012-10-07 01:27:30 +0200;  author: spaillard;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 
> -4;  commitid: 4NptU79z3kSKJnnw;
> suro.ubaya.ac.id: pushed from ftp.br.d.o (#688270)
> ----------------------------
>>  Maintainer: Budiwijaya <budi...@yahoo.com>
> Do you have a role account at the university like mirr...@ubaya.ac.id, where 
> we
> can reach co-admins of the mirror in case you're on holidays ?

You can set to mirror-ad...@ubaya.ac.id

>>  Country: ID Indonesia
>>  Location: Surabaya
>>  Sponsor: Universitas Surabaya http://www.ubaya.ac.id
>>  Comment: Hello,
>>   I see there's no Indonesian official mirror (ftp.id.debian.org).  I 
> want to
>>   register my mirror to become an official mirror in Indonesia.
> Please read carefully http://www.debian.org/mirror/official#criteria
> While architecture requirement may be relaxed, check closely ftp protocol
> requirement, that you have disk for the future, etc.
>>   Connection to Indonesian Internet Exchange : 50mbps
>>   Connection to International Internet : 50mbps

I've setup ftp server to serve aswell. Currently we have 550GB Free space. 
We've ordered 1TB disk, to be added in next month. So I see no trouble about 
disk space in the future.

Thank you.

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