On 30/10/12 19:50, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> Severity: wishlist
> thanks
> Hello Ximin,
> as you wrote there are two different libxul.so files. That's correct.
> One under /usr/lib/icedove/ for Icedove and the other one in
> /usr/lib/xulrunner-[ver]/ for Iceweasel.
> The reason for this are different needings for this librarys. Icedove
> don't use the same functions as iceweasel does and somtimes there are
> functions that are named same but have different internal functions. 
> That's why it's not really possible to build one "for all" library. This
> is not a debian specific nature.

Could you elaborate? I was under the impression that (e.g.) icedove version X
and iceweasel version X, both build against the same xulrunner, at version X.
Are you saying that this is *not* the case, that upstream mozilla build those
applications against different versions of xulrunner, yet still give them the
same version numbers? This seems like a weird thing to be doing.

In that case why is iceweasel's xulrunner under /usr/lib/xulrunner, and not
say, /usr/lib/iceweasel? There may be other applications that use xulrunner,
that need their own version.

However if my assumption is correct, then there is really no need for separate
copies of xulrunner, and what you're saying about "functions that are named the
same but have different internal functions" won't be the case, as long as the
Debian packages both build against the same version.

> Maybe someday Mozilla will fix this and build really *one* libxul*.so.
> As long this doesn't happen some packages have to package really twice.
> Maybe there is a upstream bug opend for this?
> Regards
> Carsten
> On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 05:48:33PM +0100, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> Package: icedove
>> Version: 10.0.6-2
>> Severity: important
>> Some extensions, such as xul-ext-gnome-keyring[1], work with both iceweasel
>> and icedove, but are also binary extensions that must be recompiled with each
>> version of xulrunner that is released. Currently iceweasel and icedove each
>> package their own versions of xulrunner (xulrunner-dev vs icedove-dev) that
>> are at different versions most of the time. This means that the 
>> aforementioned
>> extensions at best must be packaged *twice*, or else not be in Debian at all.
>> [1] http://packages.debian.org/experimental/xul-ext-gnome-keyring


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