Guido Günther <> writes:
> On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 12:36:37PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> The original tarball is foo-<version>.tar.xz, so the symlink is
>> probably needed for the pristine-tar import so that the file name is
>> correct (assuming that pristine-tar doesn't have a way of setting the
>> file name via a command-line option), so I guess I'm asking for the
>> symlink to be removed after that import is complete rather than left
>> around.

> Would putting the symlink next to foo-<version>.tar.xz in your
> build-area/ instaed of ../ be o.k. too?

It would be better in that I would find it easier to delete, although it
potentially causes other problems.  If a tarball already exists in the
build-area, git-buildpackage uses it in preference to what's in
pristine-tar.  This has caused me to upload weird Debian packages in the
past when I'm iterating on an upstream release that I'm also packaging and
therefore end up re-importing a new cut of an upstream release with the
same version number.  Everything is imported properly, but then the Debian
package is built against the older upstream package, resulting in the
changes showing up as a Debian diff and the *.orig.tar.gz in Debian not
matching the final upstream release.

I suppose that's a separate issue, but I'd really like some way of saying
"only ever use pristine-tar, and not any other tarball that you happen to
find lying about."

But for this particular point, the above means that I've gotten into the
habit of rm ../build-area/* before doing each package build, so if the
symlink were there, it would be easy to delete, thus solving the immediate

Russ Allbery (               <>

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