On Sun, 11 Nov 2012 15:31:53 +1030, Ron wrote:

> > What I get is a short flicker, and the following output:
> > 
> > MumbleOverlay: Mumble overlay library loaded
> > MumbleOverlay: Iterating dlsym table 0x7fdebbb70348 0x7fdebbb706f0 39
> > MumbleOverlay: Original dlsym at 0x7fdebbb71030
> > MumbleOverlay: Request for symbol __driDriverExtensions 
> > (0x101d880:0x7fdebbb71030)
> > Running synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be
> > approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
> > MumbleOverlay: Current context is: 0x101a950
> > MumbleOverlay: GLX version 1.4
> > MumbleOverlay: OpenGL Version 3.0 Mesa 8.0.5, Vendor Tungsten Graphics, 
> > Inc, Renderer Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile , Shader 1.30
> > MumbleOverlay: VERTEX: 
> > MumbleOverlay: FRAGMENT: 
> > X Error of failed request:  GLXBadDrawable
> >   Major opcode of failed request:  154 (GLX)
> >   Minor opcode of failed request:  29 (X_GLXGetDrawableAttributes)
> >   Serial number of failed request:  33
> >   Current serial number in output stream:  33
> > 
> > Is this the expected outcome?
> Not entirely expected, no :)  

Thought so :)

> But at least now we're more into the
> classic "portability of GL" territory than so broken it doesn't even
> get to try!  The stuff before the X Error looks right though.

Ok, good.
> Does glxgears actually run for you without the mumble preload?

Yup, sorry for not mentioning this yesterday.

> Since it's not entirely clear if that's an error from mumble trying
> to access the drawable, or glxgears itself.
> Either way though, since we do have a report this works, I think we
> can fairly safely call the bug that dkg reported fixed, and if the
> above really is a bug in mumble (as opposed to a problem with your
> GL implementation, or it trying to do something incompatible with it)
> then we should consider that a separate bug and open a separate report
> for tracking it.
> Now that this actually has a chance to work, I'd assume we'll see those
> reported soon enough if it's widespread ...

> So ...  since we now have an unblock pending the next britney run,
> feel free to upload this to delayed/2 or so if you like, and then you
> can chalk it off your list too -- or if that happens before you read
> this, to just push it straight into the normal unstable queue.

-2.1 already migrated a few hours ago.

I'd like to wait for Chris' additional tests in a VM without OpenGL
to make sure that the mumble binary itself still works there.
Then I'm happy to upload the package.

> (we shouldn't need to request another unblock for that, since the RC
> fix will flag it already).

>   Many thanks again!

You're welcome.


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