Control: reassign -1 phonon
Control: tag -1 moreinfo unreproducible

Hi Christian! First of all, I'm reassigning to phonon, which seems more 
suitable for this case (thanks Holger for reassigning!)

Christian: we need to know:

- which phonon backend are you using? It could be phonon-backend-gstreamer or 
phonon-backend-vlc. If you have both installed, check which one are you using 
in the multimedia settings.

- Do you have the package pulseaudio installed? If so, try uninstalling it and 
check what happens. Please note: it's package pulseaudio and **not** 
libpulseaudio. This last onecan be safely installed (and actually, IIRC, it 
must be).

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

La vida no se mide por la cantidad de veces que respiramos,
sino por la cantidad de momentos que nos quitan la respiración.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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