On Sun, 16 Dec 2012 12:08:24 +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

> Thanks for your continued interest in fdpowermon! ;-)

> > Since fdpowermon is already tracking battery percentage, I thought it
> > would be nice to have a configuration option to run a command when
> > the level is <= a specified level.
> I understand where this is coming from, and am not particularly opposed
> to doing this, but there's one issue I'm a bit worried about.

I was expecting this concern :)
> The reason I wrote fdpowermon is because I wanted a battery monitor that
> does /not/ try to do all kinds of things beyond telling me what my
> battery level is. The battery monitors (aka power managers) written for
> the common desktop environments do this already, and it's what I didn't
> like about them.
> While I'm not opposed, per se, to a feature of this kind, I'd like to
> avoid being sucked into a slippery slope of all kinds of "run foo when
> bar happens" features that would turn fdpowermon into exactly the kind
> of thing the dislike of which caused me to write it in the first place.

I totally agree; that's what I like about fdpowermon: the simplicity,
that it does one job, and that the code is short and simple enough
for me to understand.

> For that, I think the feature should be off by default, and generic
> enough that it can be used for more than just battery level -- I dunno,
> some kind of event system or some such.
> Additionally, if I'm going to implement this, this feature should
> probably be configurable on a per-user basis, rather than just
> system-wide.

Ack, a per-user config would be nice in general, and turning it off
by default also make sense to me.

Thanks for considering this feature request!

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