On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 08:34:27AM +0100, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Taking over KiBi's hat, I would say there is no chance this makes it
> to wheezy. And taking mine, too, with several addition to localization
> bits. The debconf templates need minor edits to compleltely fit with
> the writing style we're using elsewhere...and they add 8
> strings....and we have 56 complete translations (more than we *ever*
> had).

I'd say that this is something that must be preseeded and if anything it
would show errors in English. So I'm not too concerned about that. But if
we agree that it is "useful" to show netcfg/use_vlan in jessie in expert
mode, we can do that too.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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