tags 328738 + patch
severity 328738 grave

The bug actually belongs to kaffeine-xine, but I'm not reassigning it (because 
actually there are two bugs mentioned in this bug #). I've uped the severity 
because it makes libkaffeinepart completely unusable (unloadadable). It works 
for some people because they still have out-of-date ksycoca database (where 
kaffeine_part is still refered by the name "Kaffeine"). The attached patch 
changes a few other things, which are documented in the changelog. It is 
against 0.7.1-1.2 and I used it to build new kaffeine packages for myself. 
They are available here[1] (for amd64, compiled with pbuilder). ppl on other 
archs can just replace /usr/share/services/kaffeine_part.desktop with the one 
from kaffeine-xine, rebuild ksycoca DB by running `kbuildsycoca` and kaffeine 
xine engine should load fine afterwards.

Please, fix this bug ASAP, because it's grave, but trivial to fix (either by 
maintainer or NMU).

1. http://uosis.mif.vu.lt/~mova3971/kaffeine/
diff -uNr kaffeine-0.7.1/debian/changelog kaffeine-0.7.1-1.2mdx1/debian/changelog
--- kaffeine-0.7.1/debian/changelog	2005-10-20 17:48:49.000000000 +0300
+++ kaffeine-0.7.1-1.2mdx1/debian/changelog	2005-10-20 17:38:33.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+kaffeine (0.7.1-1.2mdx1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Remove 13_xine_service_menu.diff patch because it breaks loading of
+    libkaffeinepart.  The name "Kaffeine" is hardcored in many places in the
+    code, so leave it. Make kaffeine depend on
+    kaffeine-xine | kaffeine-gstreamer, so the xine engine gets installed by
+    default when upgrading from < 0.7 versions (Closes: #328738).
+  * Update 12_gstreamer_service_menu.diff to leave "Name" section unchanged.
+    No need to risk breaking things (like the bug above) in the future.
+  * Update 12_gstreamer_service_menu.diff to leave "Icon" section unchanged.
+    What's wrong with the original icon?
+ -- Modestas Vainius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 20 Oct 2005 17:37:24 +0300
 kaffeine (0.7.1-1.2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff -uNr kaffeine-0.7.1/debian/control kaffeine-0.7.1-1.2mdx1/debian/control
--- kaffeine-0.7.1/debian/control	2005-10-20 17:48:49.000000000 +0300
+++ kaffeine-0.7.1-1.2mdx1/debian/control	2005-10-20 17:41:30.000000000 +0300
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 Package: kaffeine
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, kaffeine-gstreamer | kaffeine-xine
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, kaffeine-xine | kaffeine-gstreamer
 Description: versatile media player for KDE 3
  Kaffeine is a media player for KDE. While it supports multiple player
  engines, its default engine is Xine, giving Kaffeine a wide variety of
diff -uNr kaffeine-0.7.1/debian/patches/12_gstreamer_service_menu.diff kaffeine-0.7.1-1.2mdx1/debian/patches/12_gstreamer_service_menu.diff
--- kaffeine-0.7.1/debian/patches/12_gstreamer_service_menu.diff	2005-10-20 17:48:49.000000000 +0300
+++ kaffeine-0.7.1-1.2mdx1/debian/patches/12_gstreamer_service_menu.diff	2005-10-20 17:37:16.000000000 +0300
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
 @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
  [Desktop Entry]
+ Icon=gstreamer
+ Name=GStreamerPart
  Comment=A player part based on GStreamer.
  Comment[de]=Ein auf GStreamer basierender player part.
diff -uNr kaffeine-0.7.1/debian/patches/13_xine_service_menu.diff kaffeine-0.7.1-1.2mdx1/debian/patches/13_xine_service_menu.diff
--- kaffeine-0.7.1/debian/patches/13_xine_service_menu.diff	2005-10-20 17:48:49.000000000 +0300
+++ kaffeine-0.7.1-1.2mdx1/debian/patches/13_xine_service_menu.diff	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Index: kaffeine/player-parts/kaffeine-part/kaffeine_part.desktop
---- kaffeine/player-parts/kaffeine-part/kaffeine_part.desktop	(revision 45)
-+++ kaffeine/player-parts/kaffeine-part/kaffeine_part.desktop	(working copy)
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- Encoding=UTF-8
- Icon=kaffeine
- MimeType=application/x-ogg;audio/basic;audio/vnd.rn-realaudio;audio/x-aiff;audio/x-mp3;audio/x-mpeg;audio/x-mpegurl;audio/x-ms-wma;audio/x-ogg;audio/x-pn-realaudio;audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin;audio/x-scpls;audio/x-wav;audio/x-flac;video/x-matroska;audio/x-matroska;video/mpeg;video/msvideo;video/quicktime;video/vnd.rn-realvideo;video/x-avi;video/x-fli;video/x-flic;video/x-ms-asf;video/x-ms-wmv;video/x-msvideo;application/x-mplayer2;application/smil;application/x-kaffeine;audio/x-musepack;
- Comment=A player part based on xine.
- Comment[de]=Ein auf xine basierender player part.
- ServiceTypes=KParts/ReadOnlyPart,KMediaPart

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