Hi all,

Thanks for the input on this.

Timo: I have fixed that issue now along with (almost) all other warnings
from lintian.

Stuart: I appreciate your input, and if this is the consensus of the Debian
Community I will of course abide by it. However I have a few arguments for
my case :)

1. There are always a lot of ways to do stuff in the *nix world. I this
case you could use egrep, awk or I am sure some other tool as well. However
I think those ways of doing it is more complex and not as easily accesible
as with begin. I have writen a program that does one thing (and I think
that it does it well) because I had a need for it. I work a lot with
config-files in my day to day work and I always find it easier to find
stuff in the config when I am on a cisco-box then when I am on the servers.
I had an itch so I scratched it and I figured someone else might have that
itch too.

2. The name is taken from the cisco command that I have have reimplemented.
I think it is a good name as it describes the function of the program and
it is well known for those who do work on network equipment. That being
said, I wouldn't mind changing the name of the package/binary to something
else, say mbegin or something if the consensus is that the name is an
issue. I am more interested in the function than the name.

I might well look into joining a team no matter what happens to this
package. I think it would be fun to be more involved in my favorite distro
(which is why I started packing this utilty for Debian).

Best regards,

2013/1/28 Stuart Prescott <stu...@debian.org>

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Mikael,
> As I mentioned in #debian-mentors yesterday, I find it difficult to justify
> a Debian package for a tool that could be replaced by existing tools like
> "awk /foo/,EOF" much less a package and binary name that are so generic. We
> try to avoid generic program names in the $PATH namespace (like "node", for
> instance...).
> I realise that you've done a lot of work learning how to package this and
> you'd like to see your work included in Debian. Perhaps I could encourage
> you to contribute to existing packaging teams where you can see packages
> already in (hopefully) good shape from which you can learn. Working within
> a
> team can also help you be more productive in a shorter time. If you're not
> sure where to look for teams that want help, the "rc-alert" or "wnpp-alert"
> commands can give you a list of packages and bugs that pertain to what is
> installed on your system.
> cheers
> Stuart
> - --
> Stuart Prescott    http://www.nanonanonano.net/   stu...@nanonanonano.net
> Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org/         stu...@debian.org
> GPG fingerprint    BE65 FD1E F4EA 08F3 23D4 3C6D 9FE8 B8CD 71C5 D1A8
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
> iEYEARECAAYFAlEGVuEACgkQn+i4zXHF0ai/DwCgrciD5+w5PFr4hQaiNEBOc5+j
> GpYAn2gyx+OEd5jCdVQnRMcNVBqW5EcM
> =oozT

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