Dear maintainer,
thanks for your help !
I found the problem and resolved it  - the bug can be closed !

The problem was, that I did not realize (and no one told me - even not the 
maintainers after the explizit question why "/usr/lib32/ is not existent" ;-) 
that during an update of "multiarch" and the "ia32-libs.." the folder


moved to


After realizing this, it was very easy to set the correct links to make ADS2012 
work again !

ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

did it.

Dear Goswin,
one last question on this topic:

When (version or date) was "/usr/lib32" replaced by "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu" ?

Best regards

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