On Oct 21, Horms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I did a bit of a poke around this symbols problem.
> I puzzeled over it for a while. I began to wonder
> if it might be caused byudevsynthesize[1] which seems
> to be the major change between -2 and -4, and I completely
> failed in all my attempts to reproduce the problem.
It's *exposed* by udevsynthesize because it makes udevd try to load in
parallel a big number of modules at the same time. I expect that you
should be able to reproduce the bug with:

for m in $MODULES; do /sbin/modprobe $m &; done

> I then chatted it over with some people, and they suggested
> that it might actually be a problem with a bogus depmod run.
No, it's not. I checked my modules.dep and it's correct, and anyway if
it were broken loading the same modules with modprobe from the command
line would not work.

> Alternateively, its seems there is a high correlation between
> this problem and loading uhci_hcd. Providing lspci -vv might help a bit.
Also 8250, but I can't see how this could be related to the hardware at
all... All of this happens before the drivers are even initialised.
Do not forget that the bug is not reliably reproducible, some days on my
system may fail one of 8250, 8250_pnp, uhci_hcd or nothing at all.


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