On Fri, Mar  1, 2013 at 16:17:34 -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

> Hello folks,
> After reviewing the bug discussion, I believe the correct thing to do here
> is to remove the roundcube-sqlite package from wheezy entirely.  That will
> block an upgrade from squeeze by forcing the admin to realize that they
> have to switch database backends, which is exactly the desired behavior
> (since there's no automated conversion process available).  That's much
> better than a release note, since it blocks the upgrade until the admin
> decides what they want to do.
> Having a transitional package only makes sense when there is an automated
> transition available, and there isn't one here.  The admin is going to
> have to take manual database actions, so we should fail the upgrade until
> they've done that and are prepared for the transition.
> Does that make sense?  Do you need any help preparing that for wheezy?
Sounds good to me, fwiw.


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