On 05.03.2013 23:10, Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) wrote:
> [1] dget -x http://www.barcikacomp.hu/gcs/syslog-ng_3.3.5-3.dsc

A couple of comments:

1/ as you no longer mark the symlinks as conffiles, the cleanup in
syslog-ng-core.postrm is not necessary.

2/ you need to remove the existing conffile symlinks in
syslog-ng-core.preinst so dpkg converts it to non-conffiles on upgrades

3/ please drop the line
ExecStartPre=/bin/systemctl stop systemd-kmsg-syslogd.service
from syslog-ng.service. The systemd-kmsg-syslogd.service service has
been removed a long time ago and future versions of systemd will
generate an error if you stop a non-existing service. Gergely told he
had this change in his Git repo already.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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