Am 19.03.2013 19:28, schrieb Andrew Shadura:
> Hello,
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2013 19:22:39 +0100
> Michael Biebl <> wrote:
>>> Clearlooks-phenix-theme 2.0.* works with GTK+ 3.4.* only, and for
>>> GTK+ from 3.6 users are supposed to use 3.0.* versions. Please add
>>> proper record to the Breaks field.
>> What exactly breaks?
>> Given how poorly APT handles Breaks [1], I'd be very cautious to add
>> Breaks lightly
> Hmm. What would be an alternative solution to make sure new GTK+ pulls
> new clearlooks if needed?

I'd say that depends on how badly this affects applications with the old
theme. If it's just smaller graphical glitches, then probably I wouldn't
bother and just wait until clearlooks-phoenix-theme has been updated in


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