Package: mirrors


I don't really know where to file that; please reassign if I'm wrong.

I recently downloaded the debian-installer netboot archive at
which is the GTK version of the netboot installer (this bug doesn't
affect the text version).

I noticed, after unpacking it and checking for the sums, hoping that
they will be the same as if I downloaded all the files individually,
that they all validate except one: the initrd.gz for this installer. (I
checked the sum of the .tar.gz itself, and it's OK).

The sums are, e.g., here:

When getting directly the initrd.gz from
I correctly get
But when extracting it from the archive, I get

By looking closer, the uncompressed initrd from both files is the same.
Only the date (from the gzip header) differs by a couple of seconds. And
this only happens for the GTK installer, not the text one, once again…

Furthermore, I also realized that Ubuntu is affected, too (!); the sum
for the GTK installer of Precise Pangolin has the same problem.

There must be a small packaging bug somewhere…

Benjamin Cama <>

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