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On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 01:26:01AM +0800, Aron Xu wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 01:09, Matteo Cortese
> <> wrote:
> > It is still not clear to me whether the installer recognizes and creates 
> > Btrfs partitions.
> If it does, it should be added to the release notes and installation manual;

> I am sure the installation process is okay with btrfs, the only thing
> need to note is when you choose btrfs as /, then you have to have a
> separated /boot (with filesystem format like ext3) because grub2 does
> not support btrfs still. The installer will refuse to continue if you
> don't make a separated /boot with acceptable format.

There is currently nothing about Btrfs in the release notes, and I
wonder if there it any need to add something about it. If someone
disagrees, please, do provide at least a rough patch to move things

Otherwise, I would suspect this issue isn’t relevant for Wheezy and
advise the RN wizard to close it (I may do so myself next time I come
across this bug report unless more information is provided).



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