Control: tags -1 patch


Attached is a patch for this issue. I just copy/paste from [1]. 
I didn't take the 2nd item because it looks too technical and redundant 
in my point of view. But you can add something like the content of
the attached file "whats-new-extra.txt"


---	2013-03-31 11:24:24.000000000 +0200
+++ travail/manuals/release-notes/en/whats-new.dbk	2013-03-31 15:13:09.000000000 +0200
@@ -232,6 +232,16 @@
   mail client.
+<!-- Copied from -->
+&debian; &releasename; improve multimedia support: 
+<systemitem role="package">ffmpeg</systemitem> has been replaced by the 
+libav fork (<systemitem role="package">libav-tools</systemitem>), 
+which is considered to feature a more conservative release process and thus 
+fit better to &debian;'s needs. It provides all libraries and prepares an 
+upgrade path for existing application packages.
 <!-- JFS: 
 Might it be useful point to ? 
 This provides a more comprehensive comparison among different releases -->
&debian; &releasename; comes with full-featured libav (formerly ffmpeg) 
libraries and frontends, including e.g. <command>mplayer</command>, 
<command>mencoder</command>, <command>vlc</command> and 
<command>transcode</command>. Additional codec support is provided e.g. 
through <command>lame</command> for MP3 audio encoding, 
<command>xvidcore</command> for MPEG-4 ASP video encoding, 
<command>x264</command> for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video encoding, 
<command>vo-aacenc</command> for AAC audio encoding 
and <command>opencore-amr</command> and 
<command>vo-amrwbenc</command> for Adaptive Multi-Rate Narrowband and 
Wideband encoding and decoding, respectively. For most use cases, installation 
of packages from third-party repositories should not be necessary anymore. The 
times of crippled multimedia support in &debian; are finally over!

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