severity 705971 normal

Quoting Stefano Forli (
> Package: debian-installer
> Version: 20130415
> Severity: critical
> Tags: installation, wheezy, console-setup
> It seems that if a TTY console is in use during the installation, the
> whole installation process hangs and can't be recovered (see below).
> It is possible to switch to different tty's, but It is not possible to
> activate other consoles nor kill the one still active (blinking
> cursor, unresponsive).
> The log file showed this message, then hungs there for several minutes

> [xxx] configuring console-setup...

It's hard to tell when exactly during the installation process you had
this message. What step where you in?

What do you mean by "a TTY console is in use during the installation"?

Lowering the severity anyway as I don't think this is a bug (if one)
that affects all installs.

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