On Sat, 4 May 2013 16:51:48 -0700 Vincent Cheng wrote:

> On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Francesco Poli
> <invernom...@paranoici.org> wrote:
> >  * I saw this issue once, but I am now unable to reproduce it
> >
> >  * I apologize for consuming your time with a semi-false alarm
> >
> >  * I propose we leave the report open for a reasonable amount of time,
> >    just in case someone else experiences the bug and figures out how to
> >    reproduce it...
> >
> > Please let me know what you think.
> > Thanks!
> No worries, I understand how it feels to hit a bug and file a report,
> and then not be able to reproduce the same bug anymore. ;)

Many thanks for your understanding!

> I'll leave this report open indefinitely, then.

Well, the "reasonable amount of time" I had in mind was actually < +∞
(less than +infinity)
Feel free to close the bug report when you think that enough time has
passed without any new fact...

Bye and thanks again!

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