retitle 704198 please reformulate warning about backup boot sector
reassign 704198 dosfstools
severity 704198 wishlist
tag 704198 upstream

2013-05-14 15:52:53 < dba> does anyone have an opinion on 'syslinux
doesn't rewrite backup boot sector' aka ?
2013-05-14 15:56:44 -!- Jack_CM (realname) [~antonio@] has
joined #syslinux
2013-05-14 15:57:35 < hpa> dba: this is arguably true for FAT32,
although this is partly a reflection of the ugly conflation of the FAT
superblock and the boot sector
2013-05-14 15:57:47 < hpa> I would argue that dosfsck is a bit
overzealous here
2013-05-14 15:59:16 < hpa> However, if someone wants to *positively*
identify FAT32 and if detected, copy the boot sector into sector 6 with
appropriate safeguards (including verifying the number of reserved
sectors) I'd take the patch
2013-05-14 16:10:50 -!- Bry8Star3
[~Bry8Star3@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-myremoejfpvibivt] has quit [Excess
2013-05-14 16:11:28 -!- Bry8Star3 (I'm part of the Elite... EliteBNC)
[~Bry8Star3@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-fmffmrrrsggpgvog] has joined #syslinux
2013-05-14 16:29:17 -!- Ady3 [] has
left #syslinux []
2013-05-14 16:31:54 -!- Ady2 (Ady)
[] has joined #syslinux
2013-05-14 16:39:33 < dba> hpa: ok, thanks (will adjust dosfsck in
future then)
2013-05-14 16:49:29 -!- ridikulus_rat (Keshav Padram)
[~keshavpad@] has joined #syslinux
2013-05-14 16:51:10 < hpa> dba: it is something which can be argued
either way
2013-05-14 16:51:28 < hpa> dba: it makes sense as a warning, probably
not as an error htough
2013-05-14 16:52:24 < dba> hpa: yes, i'll craft the message in dosfck
that way. thanks
2013-05-14 17:17:38 < hpa> Thanks!

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Donnerbuehlweg 3, CH-3012 Bern

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