On 24.05.2013 02:40, Olly Betts wrote:
> The DELAYED queue only allows delaying by a whole number of days AIUI,
> so doesn't really help in a situation like this - I'd still need to
> make the upload in the middle of the night, just of a different night.

True. But you could leave your system running tonight (your night) and
run a at(1) job. If it works out: great ...

> But feel free to take the version already in experimental and NMU it
> to unstable once you're ready for it.

... if not, I can do that if you wish.

Having that said your module is perhaps not one of those with a
gazillion of users so that the breakage can still be fixed later I'd
say, esecpially given the sheer amount of modules which will break
regardless because nobody transitioned them yet.

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
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