Hi Emilio,

I think the dependency on python-gtkspell is entirely optional, however I
hadn't find time to test this and to prepare a new uploading removing that

OTOH, I'm dealing with a bug that rendered this package unusable (#712519),
so that's the reason why I have not prepared a new release to fix this
issue. It seemed pointless to me to fix this issue when the whole package
is broken right now.

What you consider the best option, just fix this dependency issue right
away or wait for upstream to provide a new release using Twitter API v1.1?


On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort

> Ping.
> We want on removing python-gtkspell from jessie, so this bug may be a
> problem if
> you want your package to have spell support for jessie. Now is the time to
> tell
> your upstream to port the package, otherwise spell support may have to be
> patched away.
> If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
> Cheers,
> Emilio

Miguel Landaeta, miguel at miguel.cc
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