reassign 671364 tech-ctte
retitle 671364 Please decide on dma maintenance
affects 671364 dma

Dear Technical Committee, 

by Debian Constitution §§6.1.3 - 6.1.5 we ask you on advice and
possibly to overrule a maintainer in case of the maintenance for the
dma package. Our rationale follows:

* The package in Debian is outdated and has a recent history of release
  critical bugs (#697871, #688682). None of these were fixed by the
  maintainer, and the maintainer generally seems absent while not
  completely unreachable. Therefore there is no reason to assume, the
  package was orphaned. As a result, the package missed the Wheezy

* The Debian maintainer de-facto forked the package by introducing
  heavy weight patches diverging from upstream making it hard and
  complicated to keep in track with upstream's releases. We suppose
  this is also known to the dma maintainer in Debian, as he points to
  his private home page [1] in the control file of the package, instead
  of the official one [2]. This confuses users and frustrates upstream,
  as he is getting bug reports for tools and behavior which are
  specific to Debian. Upstream has, on his own, merged parts of the
  patches he thought would benefit dma, while stating that the
  remaining ones would, in his eyes, add too much complexity. According
  to him, upsteam also tried several times to reach Peter to resolve
  the situation, just as did Arno, without getting any reaction beyond
  promises so far. We do not intend to judge about the quality of the
  work of the "fork", but we cannot address issues of dma within
  Debian, without conflicting with the maintainer's jurisdictions as we
  cannot and do not intend to effectively become upstream for the
  "Debian dma" package.

* As a side note, dma is seen by some people as a valid alternative[3]
  to replace exim in the default installation. This might require a
  mutually beneficial effort to both, Debian and upstream  to make the
  package a suitable candidate. 

Therefore, we ask the Technical Committee to resolve the situation on
the dma maintenance in Debian. We suggest to overrule the maintainer
and acknowledge he effectively forked dma, and give maintenance to
whomever else the TC considers best suited for the purpose of
re-introducing the pristine dma code base. Moreover, we suggest to
rename the "Debian dma" package when the current maintainer feels
necessary and upload it again under a different name.

Laurent Bigonville and Arno Töll


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