On Sat, 2013-06-29 at 07:16 +0400, Янчарук Александр wrote:
> So, i think, if you have pcscd installed, it's not safe to delete pcscd 
> group/
Uhm... well then ideally there should be some pcscd-common package with
sets up the groups and stuff that is used by all pcscd/ifd-handler
packages... (and all of them depend on it).

Sure you can never know whether an admin manually added something to
these groups... but that's also the case with all other Debian packages
that add their own group and that remove it on purge.

I think the appropriate way would be to:
a) Print a message when any groups/etc are removed
b) Perhaps even ask the user via debconf whether he want's that removal

(b) might be a bit overkill though.


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