
2013-07-18 um 09:39:47 schrieb Axel Beckert:
> Thanks for the report, but can you please post the actual output from
> checkrestart, too?

# checkrestart 
Found 7 processes using old versions of upgraded files
(3 distinct programs)
(3 distinct packages)

Of these, 2 seem to contain init scripts which can be used to restart them:
The following packages seem to have init scripts that could be used
to restart them:
        4923    /usr/bin/vdr
        4867    /usr/bin/kvm
        4787    /usr/bin/kvm
        4802    /usr/bin/kvm
        4818    /usr/bin/kvm
        4910    /usr/bin/kvm

These are the init scripts:
service vdr restart
service qemu-kvm restart

These processes do not seem to have an associated init script to restart them:
        13648   /usr/bin/vdr-sxfe
# lsof -p 13648 -p 4923 | grep -e deleted
vdr       4923  vdr   21u  FIFO              253,1      0t0     98394 
/var/lib/vdr/plugins/xineliboutput/pipes.4923/pipe.0 (deleted)
vdr-sxfe 13648   tv    7r  FIFO              253,1      0t0     98394 
/var/lib/vdr/plugins/xineliboutput/pipes.4923/pipe.0 (deleted)


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