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On 12-12-09 16:59, Penny Leach wrote:

Sorry for this bug taking so much time to get attention.

> We started splitting moodle into three packages, moodle-mysql, moodle-pgsql
> and moodle-remotedb, in order to get around this problem of whether to
> depend on database servers or not.
> If we did that, we would want the first two to be able to tell
> dbconfig-common that it should always connect to a local db (since we're
> depending on it), and in the last case, we would want to tell it to only
> connect to a remote db server.
> This should I guess overwrite the dbconfig-common debconf setting of
> whether or not we're likely to connect to remote databases.
> It would be great if this was possible.  Sorry there's no patch attached :(

I believe this is already possible (currently due to bug 476946 only
during installation) by properly preseeding the debconf entry for
in your package.

If you hadn't figured this out in the mean time, please verify if I am
correct and reply/close as appropriate.

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