Package: logidee-tools
Version: 1.2.15
Severity: wishlist

As per the email exchange below, it'd be useful if logidee-tools source
files were UTF-8 encoded.

On Mon, Aug 05, 2013 at 07:55:02PM +0200, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> James McCoy <> writes:
> > I was trying to search for any instances of "vimcurrent" in Debian's
> > sources and the index seems to be missing some files.  According to
> >[0], logidee-tools has that string in more than just
> > debian/changelog, but that's the only result returned by DCS.
> >
> > [0]:
> >
> > I tried performing a search for "vimcurrent path:.*/vim/" to see if that
> > would help, but then I got zero results.
> >
> > From a brief look at DCS' code, I didn't see any reason that .vim files
> > would be excluded from the search (if that's what is happening).
> Turns out that the file in question is encoded as ISO-8859 instead of
> UTF-8. codesearch (the upstream code) only supports UTF-8 encoded files
> and will skip every file that contains invalid UTF-8.
> The following confirms my suspicion:
> apt-get source logidee-tools
> cindex -reset -verbose logidee-tools-1.2.14 2>&1 | grep syntax.vim
> # no result
> iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 logidee-tools-1.2.14/vim/syntax.vim > \
>   logidee-tools-1.2.14/vim/syntax.vim.utf8
> cindex -reset -verbose logidee-tools-1.2.14 2>&1 | grep syntax.vim
> # 2013/08/05 19:45:32 4914 1346 
> /tmp/dcs-notall/logidee-tools-1.2.14/vim/syntax.vim.utf8
> I actually recompiled cindex with ix.LogSkip = true and got this
> message:
> 2013/08/05 19:52:56 /tmp/dcs-notall/logidee-tools-1.2.14/vim/syntax.vim:
> invalid UTF-8, ignoring
> I think it would be good to ask upstream if they can convert their
> source to UTF-8 :-).

GPG Key: 4096R/331BA3DB 2011-12-05 James McCoy <>

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